
ผู้ใช้:Nattakit Hosapsin/ลินุกซ์ เคอร์เนล

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
Tux the penguin,มาสคอตของลินุกซ์[1]
ลินุกซ์เคอร์เนลรุ่น 3.0.0 กำลังเริ่มต้นการทำงาน
ผู้พัฒนาLinus Torvalds และผู้ร่วมมือกว่าพันคน
ตระกูล คล้ายยูนิกส์
วันที่เปิดตัว0.01 (17 กันยายน 1991; 33 ปีก่อน (1991-09-17))
ภาษาโปรแกรม ภาษา C และ [[ภาษาแอสเซมบลี | ภาษาแอสเซมบลี]][2]
สัญญาอนุญาตGNU General Public License, version 2[3][4] plus various optional freely redistributable (proprietary) binary blobs[5][6]

ลินุกซ์เคอร์เนลนั้นเป็นโอเพนซอร์สเคอร์เนลแบบโมโนลิทิกของระบบปฎิบัติการคล้ายยูนิกซ์ ระบบปฎิบัติการตระกูลลินุกซ์นั้น based on this kernel and deployed on both traditional computer systems such as personal computers and servers, usually in the form of Linux distributions,[7] and on various embedded devices such as routers, wireless access points, PBXes, set-top boxes, FTA receivers, smart TVs, PVRs, and NAS appliances. The Android operating system for tablet computers, smartphones, and smartwatches uses services provided by the Linux kernel to implement its functionality. While the adoption on desktop computers is low, Linux-based operating systems dominate nearly every other segment of computing, from mobile devices to mainframes. ข้อมูลเมื่อ พฤศจิกายน 2017, all of the world's 500 most powerful supercomputers run Linux.[8]

The Linux kernel was conceived and created in 1991 by Linus Torvalds[9] for his personal computer and with no cross-platform intentions, but has since expanded to support a huge array of computer architectures, many more than other operating systems or kernels. Linux rapidly attracted developers and users who adopted it as the kernel for other free software projects, notably the GNU Operating System,[10]; fallout of the Unix wars.[11] The Linux kernel has received contributions from nearly 12,000 programmers from more than 1,200 companies, including some of the largest software and hardware vendors.[12][13]

The Linux kernel API, the application programming interface (API) through which user programs interact with the kernel, is meant to be very stable and to not break userspace programs (some programs, such as those with GUIs, rely on other APIs as well). As part of the kernel's functionality, device drivers control the hardware; "mainlined" device drivers are also meant to be very stable. However, the interface between the kernel and loadable kernel modules (LKMs), unlike in many other kernels and operating systems, is not meant to be very stable by design.[14]

The Linux kernel, developed by contributors worldwide, is a prominent example of free and open source software,[15] and it's supported up to six years depending on version. Day-to-day development discussions take place on the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML). The Linux kernel is released under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2),[4][16] with some firmware images released under various non-free licenses.


Linus Torvalds

In April 1991, Linus Torvalds, at the time a 21-year-old computer science student at the University of Helsinki, Finland, started working on some simple ideas for an operating system. He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly language and a terminal driver. On 25 August 1991, Torvalds posted the following to comp.os.minix, a newsgroup on Usenet:[17]

I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things).

I've currently ported bash(1.08) and gcc(1.40), and things seem to work. This implies that I'll get something practical within a few months [...] Yes - it's free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs. It is NOT portable (uses 386 task switching etc), and it probably never will support anything other than AT-harddisks, as that's all I have :-(.

[...] It's mostly in C, but most people wouldn't call what I write C. It uses every conceivable feature of the 386 I could find, as it was also a project to teach me about the 386. As already mentioned, it uses a MMU, for both paging (not to disk yet) and segmentation. It's the segmentation that makes it REALLY 386 dependent (every task has a 64Mb segment for code & data - max 64 tasks in 4Gb. Anybody who needs more than 64Mb/task - tough cookies). [...] Some of my "C"-files (specifically mm.c) are almost as much assembler as C. [...] Unlike minix, I also happen to LIKE interrupts, so interrupts are handled without trying to hide the reason behind them.

After that, many people contributed code to the project. Early on, the MINIX community contributed code and ideas to the Linux kernel. At the time, the GNU Project had created many of the components required for a free operating system, but its own kernel, GNU Hurd, was incomplete and unavailable. The BSD operating system had not yet freed itself from legal encumbrances. Despite the limited functionality of the early versions, Linux rapidly gained developers and users.

By September 1991, version 0.01 of the Linux kernel was released on the FTP server (ftp.funet.fi) of the Finnish University and Research Network (FUNET). It had 10,239 lines of code. On October, 5th 1991, version 0.02 of the Linux kernel was released.[18]

In December 1991, Linux kernel 0.11 was released. This version was the first to be self-hosted as Linux kernel 0.11 could be compiled by a computer running the same kernel version. When Torvalds released version 0.12 in February 1992, he adopted the GNU General Public License (GPL) over his previous self-drafted license, which had not permitted commercial redistribution.[19]

On 19 January 1992, the first post to the new newsgroup alt.os.linux was submitted.[20] On 31 March 1992, the newsgroup was renamed comp.os.linux.[21]

The X Window System was ported to Linux, so that in March 1992, Linux version 0.95 was the first to be capable of running X. This large jump in version numbers, from 0.1x to 0.9x, resulted from the expectation that version 1.0, without major missing pieces, was imminent. However, this proved to be wrong and from 1993 to early 1994, 15 development versions of version 0.99 appeared.

On 14 March 1994, Linux kernel 1.0.0 was released, with 176,250 lines of code. In March 1995, Linux kernel 1.2.0 was released, with 310,950 lines of code.

Version 2 of the Linux kernel, released on 9 June 1996, was followed by additional major versions under the version 2 header:

  • 25 January 1999 – release of Linux kernel 2.2.0 (1,800,847 lines of code)
  • 18 December 1999 – IBM mainframe patches for 2.2.13 were published, allowing Linux kernel to be used on enterprise-class machines
  • 4 January 2001 – release of Linux kernel 2.4.0 (3,377,902 lines of code)
  • 17 December 2003 – release of Linux kernel 2.6.0 (5,929,913 lines of code)

Starting in 2004, the release process changed and new kernels started coming out on a regular schedule every 2–3 months, numbered 2.6.0, 2.6.1, up through 2.6.39.

On 21 July 2011, Torvalds announced the release of Linux kernel 3.0: "Gone are the 2.6.<bignum> days".[22] The version bump is not about major technological changes when compared to Linux 2.6.39;[23] it marks the kernel's 20th anniversary.[24] The time-based release process remained the same.

Version 4.1 of the Linux kernel, released in June 2015, contains over 19.5 million lines of code contributed by almost 14,000 programmers.[25]

Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate


The fact that Linux is a monolithic kernel rather than a microkernel was the topic of a debate between Andrew S. Tanenbaum, the creator of MINIX, and Linus Torvalds.[26] The debate, started in 1992 on the Usenet discussion group comp.os.minix, was about Linux and kernel architecture in general.[27] Tanenbaum argued that microkernels were superior to monolithic kernels and that therefore Linux was obsolete. Unlike traditional monolithic kernels, device drivers in Linux are easily configured as loadable kernel modules and are loaded or unloaded while running the system. This subject was revisited on 9 May 2006,[28] and on 12 May 2006 Tanenbaum wrote a position statement.[29]



The huge rise in popularity of the Android operating system, which includes the Linux kernel, has made the kernel the most popular choice for mobile devices, rivaling the installed base of all other operating systems.[30][31][32] Including previous years, three billion Android smartphones were estimated to have been sold by the end of 2014.

Many consumer routers also use the Linux kernel,[33] as well as a wide variety of other embedded devices, such as smart TVs, set-top boxes, and webcams. Many desktop Linux distributions including the Linux kernel exist, but the usage share of Linux distributions is low in comparison to other operating systems.



Licensing terms


Initially, Torvalds released Linux under a license which forbade any commercial use.[34] This was changed in version 0.12 by a switch to the GNU General Public License (GPL).[19] This license allows distribution and sale of possibly modified and unmodified versions of Linux but requires that all those copies be released under the same license and be accompanied by the complete corresponding source code.

Torvalds has described licensing Linux under the GPL as the "best thing I ever did".[34]

GPL version 3


The Linux kernel is licensed explicitly only under version 2 of the GPL,[4] without offering the licensee the option to choose "any later version", which is a common GPL extension. There was considerable debate about how easily the license could be changed to use later GPL versions (including version 3), and whether this change is even desirable.[35] Torvalds himself specifically indicated upon the release of version 2.4.0 that his own code is released only under version 2.[36] However, the terms of the GPL state that if no version is specified, then any version may be used,[37] and Alan Cox pointed out that very few other Linux contributors had specified a particular version of the GPL.[38]

In September 2006, a survey of 29 key kernel programmers indicated that 28 preferred GPLv2 to the then-current GPLv3 draft. Torvalds commented, "I think a number of outsiders... believed that I personally was just the odd man out, because I've been so publicly not a huge fan of the GPLv3."[39] This group of high-profile kernel developers, including Linus Torvalds, Greg Kroah-Hartman and Andrew Morton, commented on mass media about their objections to the GPLv3.[40] They referred to clauses regarding DRM/tivoization, patents, "additional restrictions" and warned a Balkanisation of the "Open Source Universe" by the GPLv3.[40][41] Linus Torvalds, who decided not to adopt the GPLv3 for the Linux kernel, reiterated his criticism even years later.[42]

Loadable kernel modules


It is debated whether loadable kernel modules (LKMs) are to be considered derivative works under copyright law, and thereby fall under the terms of the GPL.

Torvalds has stated his belief that LKMs using only a limited, "public" subset of the kernel interfaces can sometimes be non-derived works, thus allowing some binary-only drivers and other LKMs that are not licensed under the GPL.[ต้องการอ้างอิง] A very good example for this is the usage of dma_buf by the proprietary Nvidia graphics drivers. dma_buf is a recent kernel feature (like the rest of the kernel, it is licensed under the GPL) that allows multiple GPUs to quickly copy data into each other's framebuffers.[43] One possible use case would be Nvidia Optimus that pairs a fast GPU with an Intel integrated GPU, where the Nvidia GPU writes into the Intel framebuffer when it is active. But, Nvidia cannot use this infrastructure because it uses a technical means to enforce the rule that it can only be used by LKMs that are also GPL. Alan Cox replied on LKML, rejecting a request from one of their engineers to remove this technical enforcement from the API.[44] Not all Linux kernel contributors agree with this interpretation, however, and even Torvalds agrees that many LKMs are clearly derived works, and indeed he writes that "kernel modules ARE derivative 'by default'".[45]

On the other hand, Torvalds has also said that "one gray area in particular is something like a driver that was originally written for another operating system (i.e. clearly not a derived work of Linux in origin). [...] THAT is a gray area, and _that_ is the area where I personally believe that some modules may be considered to not be derived works simply because they weren't designed for Linux and don't depend on any special Linux behaviour."[46] Proprietary graphics drivers, in particular, are heavily discussed. Ultimately, it is likely that such questions can only be resolved by a court.

Firmware binary blobs


One point of licensing controversy is the use of firmware "binary blobs" in Linux kernel to support several hardware devices. These files are under a variety of licenses, out of which many are restrictive and their exact underlying source code is usually unknown.

In 2002, Richard Stallman stated why, in his point of view, such blobs make the Linux kernel partially non-free software, and that distributing Linux kernel "violates the GPL", which requires "complete corresponding source code" to be available.[5] In 2008, Free Software Foundation Latin America started Linux-libre as a project that creates a completely free variant of the Linux kernel without proprietary objects; it is used by certain completely free Linux distributions, such as those endorsed by the Free Software Foundation, while it can also be used on most distributions.[47]

On 15 December 2010, the Debian Project announced that the next Debian stable version "6.0 Squeeze" would come with a kernel "stripped of all non-free firmware bits".[48] This policy continued to be applied in later stable Debian releases.[ต้องการอ้างอิง]



Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and some other countries. This is the result of an incident in which William Della Croce, Jr., who was not involved in the Linux project, trademarked the name and subsequently demanded royalties for its use.[49] Several Linux backers retained legal counsel and filed suit against Della Croce. The issue was settled in August 1997 when the trademark was assigned to Linus Torvalds.[50][51]

SCO litigation


In early 2007, SCO filed the specific details of a purported copyright infringement. Despite previous claims that SCO was the rightful owner of 1 million lines of code, they specified only 326 lines of code, most of which were uncopyrightable.[52] In August 2007, the court in the Novell case ruled that SCO did not actually own the Unix copyrights, to begin with,[53] though the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in August 2009 that the question of who owned the copyright properly remained for a jury to answer.[54] The jury case was decided on 30 March 2010 in Novell's favour.[55]


Map of the Linux kernel
Linux kernel supports various hardware architectures, providing a common platform for software (including possibly proprietary).

The Linux kernel is a monolithic kernel, supporting true preemptive multitasking (both in user mode and, since the 2.6 series, in kernel mode[56][57]), virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables (via KSM), memory management, the Internet protocol suite, and threading.

Various layers within Linux, also showing separation between the userland and kernel space
User mode User applications For example, bash, LibreOffice, GIMP, Blender, 0 A.D., Mozilla Firefox, etc.
Low-level system components: System daemons:

systemd, runit, logind, networkd, PulseAudio, ...
Windowing system:

X11, Wayland, SurfaceFlinger (Android)
Other libraries:

GTK+, Qt, EFL, SDL, SFML, FLTK, GNUstep, etc.

Mesa, AMD Catalyst, ...
C standard library open(), exec(), sbrk(), socket(), fopen(), calloc(), ... (up to 2000 subroutines)

glibc aims to be POSIX/SUS-compatible, uClibc targets embedded systems, bionic written for Android, etc.
Kernel mode Linux kernel stat, splice, dup, read, open, ioctl, write, mmap, close, exit, etc. (about 380 system calls)

The Linux kernel System Call Interface (SCI, aims to be POSIX/SUS-compatible)
Process scheduling


Memory management

Virtual files


Other components: ALSA, DRI, evdev, LVM, device mapper, Linux Network Scheduler, Netfilter

Linux Security Modules: SELinux, TOMOYO, AppArmor, Smack
Hardware (CPU, main memory, data storage devices, etc.)

The Linux kernel is written in the version of the C programming language supported by GCC (which has introduced a number of extensions and changes to standard C), together with a number of short sections of code written in the assembly language (in GCC's "AT&T-style" syntax) of the target architecture. Because of the extensions to C it supports, GCC was for a long time the only compiler capable of correctly building the Linux kernel.

Compiler compatibility


GCC is the default compiler for the Linux kernel source. In 2004, Intel claimed to have modified the kernel so that its C compiler was also capable of compiling it.[58] There was another such reported success in 2009, with a modified 2.6.22 version of the kernel.[59][60]

Since 2010, effort has been underway to build the Linux kernel with Clang, an alternative compiler for the C language;[61] as of 12 April 2014, the official kernel could almost be compiled by Clang.[62][63] The project dedicated to this effort is named LLVMLinux after the LLVM compiler infrastructure upon which Clang is built.[64] LLVMLinux does not aim to fork either the Linux kernel or the LLVM, therefore it is a meta-project composed of patches that are eventually submitted to the upstream projects. By enabling the Linux kernel to be compiled by Clang that, among other advantages, is known for faster compilation compared with GCC, kernel developers may benefit from a faster workflow due to shorter compilation times.[65]


Four interfaces are distinguished: two internal to the kernel, and two between the kernel and userspace.
At XDC2014, Alex Deucher from AMD announced the unified kernel-mode driver.[66] The proprietary Linux graphic driver, libGL-fglrx-glx, will share the same DRM infrastructure with Mesa 3D. As there is no stable in-kernel ABI, AMD had to constantly adapt the former binary blob used by Catalyst.

Conformance to standards is a general policy for the Linux kernel's internals. Another rule is that a kernel component is not accepted into the Linux kernel mainline if there is only proprietary user-space software using that component.[ต้องการอ้างอิง]

Kernel-to-userspace API


Source code portability ensures that a C program written by conforming to a standard can be successfully compiled and run on any system that also conforms to the same standard. The relevant standards, aiming to achieve source code portability of programs, that the development of the Linux kernel, the GNU C Library, and associated utilities tries to adhere to, are POSIX and the Single UNIX Specification.

The Linux kernel API of the Linux kernel, representing the kernel's system call interface, is composed of the available system calls.

Kernel-to-userspace ABI


Binary portability shall guarantee that any program once compiled for a given hardware platform, can be run in its compiled form on any other hardware platform that conforms to the standard. Binary portability is an essential requirement for the commercial viability of independent software vendor (ISV) applications built for the operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Binary compatibility is much more demanding than source code portability; as of February 2014, the only standard concerning itself with binary compatibility is the Linux Standard Base (LSB).

In-kernel API


There are a couple of kernel internal APIs utilized between the different subsystems and subsystems of subsystems. Some of them have been kept stable over several releases, others have not. There are no guarantees regarding the in-kernel APIs. Maintainers and contributors are free to augment or change them at any time.[67]

Examples of in-kernel APIs include software frameworks/APIs for the following classes of device drivers:

In-kernel ABI


Some organizations have strongly supported defining and maintaining of a stable in-kernel ABI over several releases.[ต้องการอ้างอิง] For example, it would benefit hardware manufacturers which release proprietary kernel modules and distribute binary-only software (e.g. device drivers).[ต้องการอ้างอิง] However, the Linux kernel developers choose not to maintain a stable in-kernel ABI.[69] This allows Linux kernel development to happen much more quickly.[ต้องการอ้างอิง]

Technical features



The position of I/O schedulers within various layers of the Linux kernel's storage stack.[70]

The Linux kernel provides preemptive scheduling under certain conditions. Until kernel version 2.4, only user processes were preemptive, i.e., in addition to time quantum expiration, an execution of current process in user mode would be interrupted if higher dynamic priority processes entered TASK_RUNNING state.[71] Toward 2.6 series of the Linux kernel, an ability to interrupt a task executing kernel code was added, although with that not all sections of the kernel code can be preempted.[72]

The Linux kernel contains different scheduler classes.[73] By default the kernel uses a scheduler mechanism called the Completely Fair Scheduler introduced in the 2.6.23 version of the kernel.[74] Internally this default-scheduler class is also known as SCHED_OTHER, but the kernel also contains two POSIX-compliant[75] real-time scheduling classes named SCHED_FIFO (realtime first-in-first-out) and SCHED_RR (realtime round-robin), both of which take precedence over the default class.[73]

Through the use of the real-time Linux kernel patch PREEMPT_RT, support for full preemption of critical sections, interrupt handlers, and "interrupt disable" code sequences can be supported.[76] Partial mainline integration of the real-time Linux kernel patch already brought some functionality to the kernel mainline.[77] Preemption improves latency, increases responsiveness, and makes Linux more suitable for desktop and real-time applications. Older versions of the kernel had a so-called big kernel lock for synchronization across the entire kernel, which was finally removed by Arnd Bergmann in 2011.[78]

Additional scheduling policy known as SCHED_DEADLINE, implementing the earliest deadline first algorithm (EDF), was added in kernel version 3.14, released on 30 March 2014.[79][80]


An iPod booting iPodLinux

While not originally designed to be portable,[17][81] Linux is now one of the most widely ported operating system kernels, running on a diverse range of systems from the ARM architecture to IBM z/Architecture mainframe computers. The first port beyond Linux's original 386 architecture was performed on the Motorola 68000 platform by Amiga users, who accomplished this by replacing major parts of the kernel. The modifications to the kernel were so fundamental that Torvalds viewed the Motorola version as a fork and a "Linux-like operating system"[81] rather than as an actual port. It was, however, the impetus that Torvalds needed to lead a major restructure of the kernel code to facilitate porting to competing computing architectures. The first Linux endorsed port was to the DEC Alpha AXP 64-bit platform which was demonstrated at DECUS in May, 1995m[82] supporting both 386 and Alpha in a single source tree.[81] DEC was responsible for supplying the hardware necessary to Torvalds to enable a port of Linux to 64 bits[83] that same year.

Linux runs as the main operating system on IBM's Blue Gene and other fastest supercomputers, including the top Chinese one. ข้อมูลเมื่อ พฤศจิกายน 2017, all of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers run some variant of Linux.[8] Linux has also been ported to various handheld devices such as Apple's iPod and iPhone.[84] Some operating systems developed for mobile phones use modified versions of the Linux kernel, including Google Android, Firefox OS, HP webOS, Nokia Maemo and Jolla Sailfish OS.[85][86][87]

Kernel panic and oopses

An example of Linux kernel panic

In Linux, a "panic" is an unrecoverable system error detected by the kernel, as opposed to similar errors detected by user space code. It is possible for kernel code to indicate such a condition by calling the panic function located in the header file sys/system.h. However, most panics are the result of unhandled processor exceptions in kernel code, such as references to invalid memory addresses. These are typically indicative of a bug somewhere in the call chain leading to the panic. They can also indicate a failure of hardware, such as a failed RAM cell or errors in arithmetic functions in the processor caused by a processor bug, overheating/damaged processor, or a soft error.

A report of a non-fatal bug in the kernel is called an "oops"; such deviations from correct behavior of the Linux kernel may allow continued operation with compromised reliability.[88] These crash reports are automatically collected and can be sent upstream by various software, such as kerneloops,[89] ABRT (Fedora)[90] and apport (Ubuntu). KernelOops.org collects these reports and publishes statistics on their website.[91]

The kernel panic message might not be printed visibly in some conditions, such as when using a graphical desktop. To debug such conditions, other methods such as attaching a serial port console can be used.



As of 2007, the development of the kernel had shifted from the top 20 most active developers writing 80% of the code to the top 30 writing 30% of the code, with top developers spending more time reviewing changes.[92] Developers can also be categorized by affiliation; in 2007, the top category was unknown while the top corporation was Red Hat with 12% of contributions, and known amateurs at 3.9%.[92] The kernel changes made in year 2007 have been submitted by over 1900 developers, which may be a significant underestimate because developers working in teams usually count as one.[ต้องการอ้างอิง] It is generally assumed that the community of Linux kernel developers comprises 5000 or 6000 members.

Update from the 2016 Linux Kernel Development Report, issued by the Linux Foundation, covering the period from 3.18 (December 2014) to 4.7 (July 2016): About 1500 developers are contributing to each release from about 200-250 companies on average per release. The top 30 developers contributed a little more than 16% of the code. As of companies, the top contributors are Intel (12.9%) and Red Hat (8.0%), the third and fourth places are held by the 'none' (7.7%) and 'unknown' (6.8%) categories.

Development process


A developer who wants to change the Linux kernel starts with developing and testing that change. Depending on how significant the change is and how many subsystems it modifies that change will either consist of a single patch or of multiple patches. In case of a single subsystem that is maintained by a single maintainer, these patches are sent as e-mails to the maintainer of the subsystem with the appropriate mailing list in Cc. The maintainer and the readers of the mailing list will review the patches and provide feedback. Once the review process has finished the maintainer accepts the patches in his kernel tree. If these changes are bug fixes that are considered important enough a pull request that includes the patches will be sent to Linus within a few days. Otherwise, a pull request will be sent to Linus during the next merge window. The merge window usually lasts two weeks and starts immediately after the release of the previous kernel version.[93]

Linus Torvalds has the last word not only over which changes get accepted into the Linux kernel but also over who can become a maintainer. Kernel maintainers keep their role unless they give their role up voluntarily. There are no known examples of kernel maintainers who have been told to step down. Additionally, there are no known examples of a kernel maintainer having been criticized for the style of her or his interactions with developers by Linus. This gives maintainers a significant amount of power. Although the culture in the kernel development community has improved over the years, the kernel development community has a reputation of sometimes being rough.[94][95] Developers who feel treated unfairly can report this to the Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board.[96] Some kernel community members disagree with the current discussion culture.[97]

Development community conflicts


There have been several notable conflicts among Linux kernel developers. Examples of such conflicts are:

  • On 10 July 2007 Con Kolivas announced that he would cease developing for the Linux kernel. Discussing his reasons in an interview, he expressed frustration with aspects of the mainline kernel development process, which he felt did not give sufficient priority to desktop interactivity, in addition to hacking taking a toll on his health, work and family.[98][99]
  • On 28 July 2009 Alan Cox quit his role as the TTY layer maintainer after disagreement with Torvalds about the scope of work required to fix an error in that subsystem.[100]
  • In December 2010 there was a discussion between Linux SCSI maintainer James Bottomley and SCST maintainer Vladislav Bolkhovitin about which SCSI target stack should be included in the Linux kernel - SCST or LIO. Although at that time SCST was considered technically superior, LIO was merged upstream.[101] This made some Linux users upset.[102]
  • On 14 June 2012 Linus Torvalds made it very clear that he did not agree with NVIDIA releasing its drivers as closed source drivers.[103]
  • On 6 October 2014 Lennart Poettering accused Linus Torvalds of tolerating the rough discussion style on Linux kernel related mailing lists and of being a bad role model.[104]
  • On 5 March 2015 Christoph Hellwig filed a lawsuit against VMware for infringement of the copyright on the Linux kernel.[105] Linus Torvalds made it clear that he did not agree with this and similar initiatives by calling lawyers a festering disease.[106]

Prominent Linux kernel developers have been aware of the importance of avoiding conflicts between developers.[107] For a long time there has been no code of conduct for kernel developers due to opposition by Linus Torvalds.[108] However, a Linux Kernel Code of Conflict was introduced on 8 March 2015.[109] It was replaced on 16 September 2018 by a new Code of Conduct based on the Contributor Covenant. This coincided with a public apology by Linus and an announcement he was taking a break from kernel development.[110][111]



ข้อมูลเมื่อ 2013, the 3.10 release of the Linux kernel had 15,803,499 lines of code. As of 2007, roughly 5% of the code is part of the "core" while 52% is drivers.[92]

ข้อผิดพลาด: ไม่มีข้อความที่ให้ไว้สำหรับสิ่งที่อ้างถึง (หรือเครื่องหมายเท่ากับที่ใช้ในอาร์กิวเมนต์จริงกับพารามิเตอร์ที่ไม่มีชื่อ)

ข้อผิดพลาด: ไม่มีข้อความที่ให้ไว้สำหรับสิ่งที่อ้างถึง (หรือเครื่องหมายเท่ากับที่ใช้ในอาร์กิวเมนต์จริงกับพารามิเตอร์ที่ไม่มีชื่อ)

By this statement it is meant that evolution often does odd (and "sub-optimal") things exactly because it does incremental changes which do not break at any point. As a result, any released version of the Linux kernel is fully usable, even if, for example, device drivers do not support all features of the hardware they are written for.

The Linux kernel is extensible and each hardware device driver implements a common interface. In addition, hardware-specific code is separated into distinct modules within each subsystem, allowing a port of the Linux kernel to a new hardware architecture by re-implementing only the machine-specific portions of the kernel.

Estimated cost to redevelop

Redevelopment costs of Linux kernel

The cost to redevelop the Linux kernel version 2.6.0 in a traditional proprietary development setting has been estimated to be US$612 million (€467M, £394M) in 2004 prices using the COCOMO man-month estimation model.[112] In 2006, a study funded by the European Union put the redevelopment cost of kernel version 2.6.8 higher, at €882M ($1.14bn, £744M).[113]

This topic was revisited in October 2008 by Amanda McPherson, Brian Proffitt, and Ron Hale-Evans. Using David A. Wheeler's methodology, they estimated redevelopment of the 2.6.25 kernel now costs $1.3bn (part of a total $10.8bn to redevelop Fedora 9).[114] Again, Garcia-Garcia and Alonso de Magdaleno from University of Oviedo (Spain) estimate that the value annually added to kernel was about €100M between 2005 and 2007 and €225M in 2008, it would cost also more than €1bn (about $1.4bn as of February 2010) to develop in the European Union.[115]

ข้อมูลเมื่อ 7 มีนาคม ค.ศ. 2011 (2011 -03-07), using then-current LOC (lines of code) of a 2.6.x Linux kernel and wage numbers with David A. Wheeler's calculations it would cost approximately $3bn (about €2.2bn) to redevelop the Linux kernel as it keeps getting bigger. An updated calculation ข้อมูลเมื่อ 26 กันยายน ค.ศ. 2018 (2018 -09-26), using then-current 20,088,609 LOC (lines of code) for the 4.14.14 Linux kernel and the current US National average programmer salary of $75,506 show it would cost approximately $14,725,449,000 dollars (£11,191,341,000 pounds) to rewrite the existing GPL-2.0 code that existing contributors still have claim to if they decided to rescind the grant of license to the kernel source tree. [116]

Development model


In the current development scheme, ข้อมูลเมื่อ 2015, the main branch of development is not a traditional "stable" branch; instead, it incorporates all kinds of changes, including both the latest features, and security and bug fixes. For users who do not want to risk updating to new versions containing code that may not be well tested, a separate set of "stable" branches exist, one for each released version, which are meant for people who just want the security and bug fixes, but not a whole new version. These branches are maintained by the stable team (Greg Kroah-Hartman, Chris Wright, and others).

The development model for the 2.6 kernel series was significantly different compared to the 2.5 series. Before the 2.6 series, there was a stable branch (2.4) where only relatively minor and safe changes were merged, and an unstable branch (2.5), where bigger changes and cleanups were allowed. Both of these branches had been maintained by the same set of people, led by Torvalds. This meant that users would always have a well-tested 2.4 version with the latest security and bug fixes to use, though they would have to wait for the features which went into the 2.5 branch. The downside of this was that the "stable" kernel ended up so far behind that it no longer supported recent hardware and lacked needed features. In the late 2.5 kernel series, some maintainers elected to try backporting of their changes to the stable kernel series, which resulted in bugs being introduced into the 2.4 kernel series. The 2.5 branch was then eventually declared stable and renamed to 2.6. But instead of opening an unstable 2.7 branch, the kernel developers decided to continue putting major changes into the 2.6 branch, which would then be released at a pace faster than 2.4.x but slower than 2.5.x. This had the desirable effect of making new features more quickly available and getting more testing of the new code, which was added in smaller batches and easier to test.

As a response to the lack of a stable kernel tree where people could coordinate the collection of bug fixes as such, in December 2005 Adrian Bunk announced that he would keep releasing 2.6.16.y kernels when the stable team moved on to 2.6.17.[117][118] He also included some driver updates, making the maintenance of the 2.6.16 series very similar to the old rules for maintenance of a stable series such as 2.4.[119] Since then, the "stable team" had been formed, and it would keep updating kernel versions with bug fixes. In October 2008 Adrian Bunk announced that he will maintain 2.6.27 for a few years as a replacement of 2.6.16.[120] The stable team picked up on the idea and ข้อมูลเมื่อ 2010 they continue to maintain that version and release bug fixes for it, in addition to others.[121]

After the change of the development model with 2.6.x, developers continued to want what one might call an unstable kernel tree, one that changes as rapidly as new patches come in. Andrew Morton decided to repurpose his -mm tree from memory management to serve as the destination for all new and experimental code. In September 2007, Morton decided to stop maintaining this tree.[122] In February 2008, Stephen Rothwell created the linux-next tree to serve as a place where patches aimed to be merged during the next development cycle are gathered.[123][124] Several subsystem maintainers also adopted the suffix -next for trees containing code which is meant to be submitted for inclusion in the next release cycle.

ข้อมูลเมื่อ มกราคม 2014, the in-development version of the Linux kernel is held in an unstable branch named linux-next.[125]

Relation with Linux distributions


Most Linux users run a kernel supplied by their Linux distribution. Some distributions ship the "vanilla" or "stable" kernels. However, several Linux distribution vendors (such as Red Hat and Debian) maintain another set of Linux kernel branches which are integrated into their products. These are usually updated at a slower pace compared to the "vanilla" branch, and they usually include all fixes from the relevant "stable" branch, but at the same time they can also add support for drivers or features which had not been released in the "vanilla" version the distribution vendor started basing their branch from.



The latest kernel version and older kernel versions are maintained separately. Most latest kernel releases were supervised by Linus Torvalds.[126] Current versions are released by Greg Kroah-Hartman.[127]

Maintenance of older kernel versions happens separately. Major releases as old as 2.0 (officially made obsolete with the kernel 2.2.0 release in January 1999) are maintained as needed, although at a very slow pace.

Linux kernel 4.14 has been released and with it long-term support (LTS) has been increased to 6 years,[128] which was partially motivated by Google's desire to provide longer support for Android devices[ต้องการอ้างอิง].

Releases before 2.6.0

Version Original release date Current version Maintainer Support model
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 0.01 17 กันยายน 1991 0.03 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 0.10 พฤศจิกายน 1991 0.12 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 0.95 8 มีนาคม 1992 0.99.15 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 1.0 14 มีนาคม 1994 1.0.9 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 1.1 6 เมษายน 1994 1.1.95 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 1.2 7 มีนาคม 1995 1.2.13 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 1.3 12 มิถุนายน 1995 1.3.100[129] Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: pre2.0 12 พฤษภาคม 1996 pre2.0.14 Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.0 9 มิถุนายน 1996[130] 2.0.40[131] David Weinehall จบชีวิต (officially made obsolete with the kernel 2.2.0 release)[132]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.2 26 มกราคม 1999[133] 2.2.26[134] Marc-Christian Petersen (formerly Alan Cox) จบชีวิต (unofficially obsolete with the 2.2.27-rc2)[135][136][137]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.4 4 มกราคม 2001[138][139] Willy Tarreau (formerly Marcelo Tosatti) จบชีวิต (maintained from December 2008 to December 2011), last stable release of the 2.4 kernel series.[139]
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รุ่นเก่า ยังได้รับการสนับสนุน

Versions 2.6.16 and 2.6.27 of the Linux kernel were unofficially supported in a long-term support (LTS) fashion,[140] before a 2011 working group in the Linux Foundation started a formal long-term support initiative.[141][142]

Version Original release date Current version Maintainer Support model
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6 17 ธันวาคม 2003[143] 2.6.10[144] Linus Torvalds จบชีวิต (maintained from December 2003 to December 2004)[144]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.11 2 มีนาคม 2005[145][146] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from March 2005 to June 2005)[146]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.12 18 มิถุนายน 2005[147][148] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from June 2005 to August 2005)[148]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.13 28 สิงหาคม 2005[149][150] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from August 2005 to December 2005)[150]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.14 27 ตุลาคม 2005[151][152] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2005 to January 2006)[152]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.15 2 มกราคม 2006[153][154] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from January 2006 to May 2006)[154]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.16 20 มีนาคม 2006[155][156] Adrian Bunk[157] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman)[158] จบชีวิต (1st LTS release, maintained from March 2006 to July 2008)[118][156]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.17 17 มิถุนายน 2006[159][160] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2006 to October 2006)[160]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.18 20 กันยายน 2006[161][162] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2006 to February 2007)[162]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.19 26 พฤศจิกายน 2006[163][164] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from November 2006 to March 2007)[164]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.20 4 กุมภาพันธ์ 2007[165][166] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from February 2007 to October 2007)[166]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.21 25 เมษายน 2007[167][168] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2007 to August 2007)[168]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.22 8 กรกฎาคม 2007[169][170] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from July 2007 to February 2008)[170]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.23 9 ตุลาคม 2007[171][172] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2007 to February 2008)[172]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.24 24 มกราคม 2008[173][174] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from January 2008 to May 2008)[174]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.25 16 เมษายน 2008[175][176] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2008 to November 2008)[176]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.26 13 กรกฎาคม 2008[177][178] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from July 2008 to November 2008)[178]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.27 9 ตุลาคม 2008[179][180] Willy Tarreau[181] (formerly Adrian Bunk,[182] and formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) จบชีวิต (2nd LTS release, maintained from October 2008 to March 2012)
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.28 24 ธันวาคม 2008[183][184] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from December 2008 to May 2009)[184]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.29 23 มีนาคม 2009[185][186] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from March 2009 to July 2009)[186]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.30 9 มิถุนายน 2009[187][188] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from June 2009 to October 2009)[188]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.31 9 กันยายน 2009[189][190] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2009 to July 2010)[190]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.32 2 ธันวาคม 2009[191][192] Willy Tarreau[193][194] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman)[158][195] จบชีวิต (3rd LTS release, maintained from December 2009 to March 2016,[193] used in Debian 6 Squeeze.[196] Canonical also provided support until April 2015.[197]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.33 24 กุมภาพันธ์ 2010[198][199] Greg Kroah-Hartman[200] จบชีวิต (4th LTS release, maintained from March 2011 to November 2011). It was the base for real-time-tree, replaced by 3.0.x.[199][200]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.34 16 พฤษภาคม 2010[201][202] Paul Gortmaker[203] จบชีวิต (5th LTS release, maintained from January 2011 to February 2014)[202][203]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.35 1 สิงหาคม 2010[204][205] Andi Kleen[206] จบชีวิต (6th LTS release, maintained from December 2010 to March 2012)[206]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.36 20 ตุลาคม 2010[207][208] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2010 to February 2011)[208]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.37 4 มกราคม 2011[209][210] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from January 2011 to March 2011)[210]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.38 14 มีนาคม 2011[211][212] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from March 2011 to June 2011)[212]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 2.6.39 18 พฤษภาคม 2011[213][214] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from May 2011 to August 2011), last stable release of the 2.6 kernel series.[214]
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รุ่นเก่า ยังได้รับการสนับสนุน
Version[a] Original release date Current version Maintainer Support model
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.0 21 กรกฎาคม 2011[22] 3.0.101[216] Greg Kroah-Hartman[217] จบชีวิต (7th LTS release, maintained from July 2011 to October 2013, providing the base for real-time tree)[216][217]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.1 24 ตุลาคม 2011[218] 3.1.10[219] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2011 to January 2012)[219]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.2 4 มกราคม 2012[220] 3.2.102[221] Ben Hutchings[193][222] 8th LTS release, was "projected จบชีวิต" for May 2018,[223] and has been maintained from March 2012, used in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS[224] and optionally in 12.04 ESM,[225] Debian 7 "Wheezy" and Slackware 14.0.[193][222] Canonical promised to (at least) provide long-term support until April 2017;[197] Support has continued for months after.
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.3 18 มีนาคม 2012[226] 3.3.8[227] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from March 2012 to June 2012)[227]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.4 20 พฤษภาคม 2012[228][229] 3.4.113[230] Li Zefan[193][231] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) จบชีวิต (9th LTS release, maintained from May 2012 to October 2016).[232]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.5 21 กรกฎาคม 2012[233] 3.5.7[234] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from July 2012 to October 2012);[234] Canonical provided extended support until April 2014.[197][235]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.6 30 กันยายน 2012[236] 3.6.11[237] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2012 to December 2012)[237]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.7 10 ธันวาคม 2012[238] 3.7.10[239] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from December 2012 to March 2013)[239][240]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.8 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2013[241] 3.8.13[242] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from February 2013 to May 2013);[242] Canonical provided extended support until August 2014.[197][243]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.9 28 เมษายน 2013[244] 3.9.11[245] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2013 to July 2013)[245]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.10 30 มิถุนายน 2013[246] 3.10.108[247] Willy Tarreau[193][248] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) จบชีวิต (10th LTS release, maintained from August 2013 to November 2017)[247]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.11 2 กันยายน 2013[249] 3.11.10[250] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2013 to November 2013);[250] Canonical provided extended support until August 2014.[197] The codename chosen for version 3.11 is "Linux for Workgroups".
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.12 3 พฤศจิกายน 2013[251] 3.12.74[252] Jiří Slabý[193][253] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) จบชีวิต (11th LTS release, maintained from November 2013 to May 2017.)[253][252]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.13 19 มกราคม 2014[254] 3.13.11[255] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from January 2014 to April 2014);[255] Canonical provided extended support until April 2016.[197][256]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.14 30 มีนาคม 2014[257] 3.14.79[258] Greg Kroah-Hartman[193] จบชีวิต (12th LTS release, maintained from March 2014 to August 2016)[258]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.15 8 มิถุนายน 2014[259] 3.15.10[260] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from June 2014 to August 2014)[260]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ยังคงสนับสนุนอยู่: 3.16 3 สิงหาคม 2014[261] 3.16.58[262] Ben Hutchings[193][263] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) 13th LTS release, maintained from August 2014 to October 2014, May 2016 to April 2020.[193][264] Used in Debian 8 "Jessie".[265] Canonical provided extended support until April 2016.[197][266]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.17 5 ตุลาคม 2014[267] 3.17.8[268] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from October 2014 to January 2015)[268]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ยังคงสนับสนุนอยู่: 3.18 7 ธันวาคม 2014[269] 3.18.123[270] Greg Kroah-Hartman[271] (formerly Sasha Levin[272]) (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman) จบชีวิต (14th LTS release, maintained from December 2014 to January 2017).[273] However Greg stated that he will release irregular updates to the 3.18 tree.[274]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 3.19 8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2015[275] 3.19.8[276] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from February 2015 to May 2015);[276] last stable release of the 3.x.y kernel series;[277] Canonical provided extended support until July 2016.[197][278]
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รุ่นเก่า ยังได้รับการสนับสนุน

Releases 4.x.y

Version[a][b] Original release date Current version Maintainer Support model
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.0 12 เมษายน 2015[215] 4.0.9[280] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2015 to July 2015)[281]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.1 22 มิถุนายน 2015[282] 4.1.52[283] Sasha Levin[193][284] (formerly Greg Kroah-Hartman)[285] จบชีวิต (15th LTS release, maintained from July 2015 to May 2018)[193][282]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.2 30 สิงหาคม 2015[286] 4.2.8[287] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from August 2015 to December 2015);[287] Canonical provided extended support until July 2016.[197][288]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.3 1 พฤศจิกายน 2015[289] 4.3.6[290] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from November 2015 to February 2016)[291]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ยังคงสนับสนุนอยู่: 4.4 10 มกราคม 2016[292] 4.4.159[293] Greg Kroah-Hartman[193] 16th LTS release, maintained from January 2016 to February 2022.[193][294] Canonical will provide extended support until April 2021.[295] As the first kernel selected for Super Long Term Support (SLTS), the Civil Infrastructure Platform will provide support until at least 2026, possibly until 2036.[296]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.5 13 มีนาคม 2016[297] 4.5.7[298] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from March 2016 to June 2016)[299]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.6 15 พฤษภาคม 2016[300] 4.6.7[301] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from May 2016 to August 2016)[301]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.7 24 กรกฎาคม 2016[302] 4.7.10[303] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from July 2016 to October 2016)[303]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.8 25 กันยายน 2016[304] 4.8.17[305] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2016 to January 2017)[305]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ยังคงสนับสนุนอยู่: 4.9 11 ธันวาคม 2016[306] 4.9.130[307] Greg Kroah-Hartman[193] 17th LTS release, maintained from December 2016 to January 2023.[193][308] Used in Debian 9 "Stretch".[309]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.10 19 กุมภาพันธ์ 2017[310] 4.10.17[311] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from February 2017 to May 2017)[311]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.11 30 เมษายน 2017[312] 4.11.12[313] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2017 to July 2017)[313]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.12 2 กรกฎาคม 2017[314] 4.12.14[315] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from July 2017 to September 2017)[315]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.13 3 กันยายน 2017[316] 4.13.16[317] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from September 2017 to November 2017)[317]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ยังคงสนับสนุนอยู่: 4.14 12 พฤศจิกายน 2017[318] 4.14.73[319] Greg Kroah-Hartman[193] 18th LTS release, maintained from November 2017 to January 2020[193][320]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.15 28 มกราคม 2018[321] 4.15.18[322] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from January 2018 to April 2018)[322]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.16 1 เมษายน 2018[323] 4.16.18[324] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from April 2018 to June 2018)[324]
เวอร์ชันเก่า ไม่สนับสนุนอีกต่อไป: 4.17 3 มิถุนายน 2018[325] 4.17.19[326] Greg Kroah-Hartman จบชีวิต (maintained from June 2018 to August 2018)[326]
เวอร์ชันเสถียรปัจจุบัน: 4.18 12 สิงหาคม 2018[327] 4.18.11 Greg Kroah-Hartman Latest mainline release
เวอร์ชันล่าสุดของการเปิดตัวในอนาคต: 4.19 30 กันยายน 2018 4.19-rc6 Greg Kroah-Hartman Latest unstable release, will be the 19th LTS release[328]
รุ่นเก่า ไม่ได้รับการสนับสนุนอีกต่อไป
รุ่นเก่า ยังได้รับการสนับสนุน

The Linux kernel source code used to be maintained without the help of an automated source code management system, mostly because of Linus Torvalds' dislike of centralized SCM systems.

In 2002, Linux kernel development switched to BitKeeper, an SCM system which satisfied Torvalds' technical requirements. BitKeeper was made available to Linus and several others free of charge but was not free software, which was a source of controversy. The system did provide some interoperability with free SCM systems such as CVS and Subversion.

In April 2005, efforts to reverse-engineer the BitKeeper system by Andrew Tridgell led BitMover, the company which maintained BitKeeper, to stop supporting the Linux development community. In response, Torvalds and others wrote a new source code control system for the purpose, called Git. The new system was written within weeks, and in two months the first official kernel release was made using Git.[329] Git soon developed into a separate project in its own right and gained widespread adoption.

Version numbering


Linux kernel development has used three different version numbering schemes.

The first scheme was used in the run-up to version 1.0. The first version of the kernel was 0.01. This was followed by 0.02, 0.03, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12 (the first GPL version), 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99 and then 1.0.[330] From 0.95 on there were many patch releases between versions.

After the 1.0 release and prior to version 2.6, the number was composed as "a.b.c", where the number "a" denoted the kernel version, the number "b" denoted the major revision of the kernel, and the number "c" indicated the minor revision of the kernel. The kernel version was changed only when major changes in the code and the concept of the kernel occurred, twice in the history of the kernel: in 1994 (version 1.0) and in 1996 (version 2.0). Version 3.0 was released in 2011, but it was not a major change in kernel concept. The major revision was assigned according to the even–odd version numbering scheme. The minor revision had been changed whenever security patches, bug fixes, new features or drivers were implemented in the kernel.

In 2004, after version 2.6.0 was released, the kernel developers held several discussions regarding the release and version scheme[331][332] and ultimately Linus Torvalds and others decided that a much shorter "time-based" release cycle would be beneficial. For about seven years, the first two numbers remained "2.6", and the third number was incremented with each new release, which rolled out after two to three months. A fourth number was sometimes added to account for bug and security fixes (only) to the kernel version. The even-odd system of alternation between stable and unstable was gone. Instead, development pre-releases are titled release candidates, which is indicated by appending the suffix '-rc' to the kernel version, followed by an ordinal number.

The first use of the fourth number occurred when a grave error, which required immediate fixing, was encountered in 2.6.8's NFS code. However, there were not enough other changes to legitimize the release of a new minor revision (which would have been 2.6.9). So, was released, with the only change being the fix of that error. With 2.6.11, this was adopted as the new official versioning policy. Later it became customary to continuously back-port major bug-fixes and security patches to released kernels and indicate that by updating the fourth number.

On 29 May 2011, Linus Torvalds announced[333] that the kernel version would be bumped to 3.0 for the release following 2.6.39, due to the minor version number getting too large and to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Linux. It continued the time-based release practice introduced with 2.6.0, but using the second number; for example, 3.1 would follow 3.0 after a few months. An additional number (now the third number) would be added on when necessary to designate security and bug fixes, as for example with 3.0.18; the Linux community refers to this as "x.y.z" versioning. The major version number was also later raised to 4, for the release following version 3.19.[334][b]

In addition to Torvalds' -rc development releases, the version number was sometimes suffixed with letter sequences, such as tip, which were at times the initials of a software developer, indicating another development branch. For example, ck stands for Con Kolivas and ac stands for Alan Cox. Sometimes, the letters are related to the primary development area of the branch the kernel is built from, for example, wl indicates a wireless networking test build. Also, distributors may have their own suffixes with different numbering systems and for back-ports to their enterprise (i.e. stable but older) distribution versions.





There are certain variants of the Linux kernel that provide additional functionality but do not belong to the Linux kernel mainline. Such variants of the Linux kernel include Linux-libre, Compute Node Linux, Cooperative Linux, Longene, grsecurity, INK, L4Linux, MkLinux, RTLinux, and User-mode Linux. Some of these variants have been partially merged into the mainline.[335]




  1. 1.0 1.1 The numbering change from 2.6.39 to 3.0, and from 3.19 to 4.0, involved no meaningful technical differentiation. The major version number was increased to avoid large minor numbers.[22][215]
  2. 2.0 2.1 The decision for renumbering to 4.0 rather than 3.20 was conducted with a poll.[279]


  1. "Linux Logos and Mascots". Linux Online. 2008. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 15 August 2010. สืบค้นเมื่อ 11 August 2009.
  2. Balsa, Andrew D. "The linux-kernel mailing list FAQ". Tux.Org. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 1 July 2016. {{cite web}}: ไม่รู้จักพารามิเตอร์ |deadurl= ถูกละเว้น แนะนำ (|url-status=) (help)
  3. Martens, China (28 July 2006). "Linux creator Torvalds still no fan of GPLv3". InfoWorld. IDG. สืบค้นเมื่อ 15 February 2015.
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  6. "kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git". git.kernel.org. 16 October 2002. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ 13 January 2013. สืบค้นเมื่อ 21 August 2012. path: root/firmware/WHENCE
  7. "README". git.kernel.org. สืบค้นเมื่อ 12 November 2010.
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  148. 148.0 148.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  149. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
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  267. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  268. 268.0 268.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  269. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  270. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  271. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  272. Kroah-Hartman, Greg (11 March 2015). "3.18 is now maintained by Sasha Levin". LKML (Mailing list). สืบค้นเมื่อ 11 March 2015. {{cite mailing list}}: ไม่รู้จักพารามิเตอร์ |mailinglist= ถูกละเว้น แนะนำ (|mailing-list=) (help)
  273. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  274. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  275. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  276. 276.0 276.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  277. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  278. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  279. Torvalds, Linus (12 February 2015). "So, I made noises some time ago..." Google+. สืบค้นเมื่อ 23 February 2015. But let's see what people think.

    So - continue with v3.20, because bigger numbers are sexy, or just move to v4.0 and reset the numbers to something smaller?
    • I like big versions and I cannot lie
    • v4.0, cause I get confused easily
  280. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  281. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
  282. 282.0 282.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  283. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  284. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  285. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
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  289. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  290. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  291. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  293. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  294. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
  295. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  299. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
  300. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  301. 301.0 301.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  302. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  303. 303.0 303.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  304. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  305. 305.0 305.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  306. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  307. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  308. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  309. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  311. 311.0 311.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  312. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  313. 313.0 313.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  314. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  315. 315.0 315.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  316. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  317. 317.0 317.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  318. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  319. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  320. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
  321. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  322. 322.0 322.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  323. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  324. 324.0 324.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  325. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  326. 326.0 326.1 (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  327. (Mailing list). {{cite mailing list}}: |title= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help); |url= ไม่มีหรือว่างเปล่า (help)
  328. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  330. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
  331. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  333. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)
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  335. {{cite web}}: Citation ว่างเปล่า (help)