แม่แบบ:CSS image crop
[แก้]{{CSS image crop
|Image = The Name of the image file, or may accept {{Annotated image}}.
|bSize = The Base Image width in pixels (the image we are cropping on)
|cWidth = Crop Image Width in pixels
|cHeight = Crop image Height in pixels
|oTop = Offset Top in pixels, optional and defaults to 0 when omitted
|oLeft = Offset Left in pixels, optional and defaults to 0 when omitted
|Location = 'right', 'left', 'center' or 'none'. Determines placement of the image on the page
Defaults to 'right' when description is provided (as is default for thumb images)
When description is blank, location on left (as is default for non-thumbs)
|Description = Description (will render out using thumbnail class)
|Link = Name of an article to be linked by clicking on the image (omit unless there is a
good reason to link to an article instead of the image).
|Alt = The alt text for the image.
|Page = The page of the file, if there are multiple pages (such as pdf files).
|magnify-link = The image to be linked by the magnify icon (Use if the Image parameter is set to
{{Annotated image}} or the Link parameter leads to something other than the image).

- Offset:
define the upper left corner of the cropped image - Crop:
define the size of the cropped image - Base Size: Offset and Crop are calculated as if the original file had the width
{{CSS image crop
|Image = Dew on grass Luc Viatour.jpg
|bSize = 400
|cWidth = 100
|cHeight = 100
|oTop = 180
|oLeft = 60
In addition, the cropped image can have a caption-text and be positioned on the page:
to position (center, right, left, none)Description=
to add a text to the caption
{{CSS image crop
|Image = Dew on grass Luc Viatour.jpg
|bSize = 400
|cWidth = 100
|cHeight = 100
|oTop = 180
|oLeft = 60
|Location = center
|Description = A drop of dew on grass (focus on the drop)