มอดูล:Storm categories/icons
คุณอาจจะต้องการสร้างคู่มือการใช้งานของมอดูลนี้ ผู้เขียนสามารถทำการทดลองได้ที่กระบะทราย (แก้ | ดูความแตกต่าง) และชุดทดสอบ (สร้าง) ของมอดูลนี้ โปรดเพิ่มหมวดหมู่ไปที่หน้าย่อย /doc หน้าย่อยของมอดูลนี้ |
local p = {}
local cats = require("มอดูล:Storm categories/categories").cats
-- Icon overrides for old {{Tropical cyclone status icons}} that don't have a
-- viable category.
local icons = {
-- Ambiguious 5-tier scale
["1"] = cats["cat1"].icon,
["2"] = cats["cat2"].icon,
["3"] = cats["cat3"].icon,
["4"] = cats["cat4"].icon,
["5"] = cats["cat5"].icon,
-- FMS scale
["a5"] = cats["aus5"].icon,
["a4"] = cats["aus4"].icon,
["a3"] = cats["aus3"].icon,
["a2"] = cats["aus2"].icon,
["a1"] = cats["aus1"].icon,
-- Misc
["extratropical2"] = "[[File:Extratropical storm icon.png|18px]]",
["typhoon"] = "[[File:Typhoon icon.png|18px]]",
["vstyphoon"] = "[[File:Very strong typhoon icon.png|18px]]",
["vlnttyphoon"] = "[[File:Violent typhoon icon.png|18px]]",
["swiosts"] = "[[File:Severe tropical storm south icon.png|18px]]",
["swiotc"] = "[[File:SWIO tropical cyclone icon.png|18px]]",
["thtyphoon"] = "[[File:Typhoon icon.png|18px]]",
["thnwpstorm"] = "[[File:Tropical storm icon.png|18px]]",
["thnwpdepression"] = "[[File:Tropical Depression icon.png|18px]]",
["thvsvrcyclstorm"] = "[[File:Cyclonic storm icon.png|18px]]",
["thcyclstorm"] = "[[File:Cyclonic storm icon.png|18px]]",
["thdeepdepression"] = "[[File:Tropical Depression icon.png|18px]]"
icons["et2"] = icons["extratropical2"]
icons["ex2"] = icons["extratropical2"]
icons["ty"] = icons["typhoon"]
icons["stss"] = icons["swiosts"]
icons["tc"] = icons["swiotc"]
p.icons = icons
return p