

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
Red whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Taxonomy (biology) Animalia Chordata Aves Passeriformes pycnonotidae P.  jocosus

The spiky bird (The spigot) is a bird in the Family Pycnonotidae or the bulbul family. It has an official name "Red-bearded bulbul", a scientific name Pycnonotus Jocosus. [1]According to the Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act of 1992, it is classified as a type 3 protected bird, but can be bred. [2]Birds in this bulbul family most of them are found in Southeast Asia. They are known as follows.\ The red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) or crested bulbul is a passerine bird native to Asia. It is a member of the bulbul family. It is a resident frugivore found mainly in tropical Asia. It has been introduced in many tropical areas of the world where populations have established themselves. It has a loud three or four note call, feeds on fruits and small insects and perches conspicuously on trees. It is common see on hill forests and urban gardens. 1. The formally name is known as "Red-bearded bulbul" 2. The name that called in the north is “Biach Liu” 3. The name that called in the central region is “Bullet-headed bulbul” or “Bullet-headed bulbul”4. The name that called in the south is “Spigot Bird Cage” 5. The name that called in the local Malay language is “Muslims” 6. The name that well known in every region is "Spigot Bird Cage"

General characteristics of the spiky bird


The red-whiskered bulbul is about 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in length. It has brown upper-parts and whitish underparts with buff flanks and a dark spur running onto the breast at shoulder level. It has a tall pointed black crest, red face patch and thin black moustachial line. The tail is long and brown with white terminal feather tips, but the vent area is red. Juveniles lack the red patch behind the eye, and the vent area is rufous-orange. The loud and evocative call is a sharp kink-a-joo (also transcribed as pettigrew or kick-pettigrew or pleased to meet you and the song is a scolding chatter. They are more often heard than seen, but will often perch conspicuously especially in the mornings when they call from the tops of trees. The life span is about 11 years. Habitat

        This is a bird of lightly wooded areas, more open country with bushes and shrubs, and farmland. Irruptions have been noted from early times with Thomas C. Jerdon noting that they were "periodically visiting Madras and other wooded towns in large flocks."

It has established itself in Australia and in Los Angeles, Hawaii, and Floridain the United States, as well as in Mauritius, on Assumption Island and Mascarene Islands. In Florida, it is only found in a small area, and its population could be extirpated easily. It was eradicated from Assumption Island in 2013–2015 to prevent colonisation of nearby Aldabra, the largest introduced bird-free tropical island. The red-whiskered bulbul was introduced by the Zoological and Acclimatization Society in 1880 to Sydney, became well established across the suburbs by 1920, and continued to spread slowly to around 100 km away. It is now also found in suburban Melbourne and Adelaide, although it is unclear how they got there. Feed them as a pet

The legend of the spiky bird cage


The spiky cage that we all bring to compete in the sound There is a legend that goes on and there are some books It has been written that the first nation to bring the spiky bulbul to the party was the Chinese, around 1867, the Chinese brought the spiky bulbul to feed instead of the robin. That most Chinese people like to put in a cage to walk along the street or sit in a coffee shop. Or go to friends who know their hearts and feed the birds as well. and the robin bird Usually a bird that is easily startled and awakens people. Sometimes they are so shocked that they die in the cage. Therefore, it is the reason why the Chinese came to raise the bulbul, or the spiky bird widely. since then

    The spiky bird lives in hot and humid countries. In Asia, it can be found in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos. Most of this bird can be found in every region of the country.
 The corkscrew has long been popular with southerners. Influenced by neighboring countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, that is a music competition with a style of singing and rhetoric. in each bird who is superior But in the past in the southern region, from Satun, Songkhla, Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat, Krabi, Nakhon Si Thammarat Popular to bring the spiky cage bird to collide or hit each other like cockfighting. is to compare the birds to a similar size and put them in a large central cage and let the two birds chase each other in the cage until they win. The reason for this is because the spiky bulbul. They have a fierce character and like to chase and hit each other. already natural
    The spiky cage bird competition has changed around the year 1972 because the people of Songkhla There is a concept that will change from hitting each other to compete in sound championships. By taking the model from the competition of Dove Khao Java is to bring wild birds that were later brought into the party and trained to tame the shepherd or tame the owner along with training the birds to have the ability to sing in different styles as each bird can do And the fledgling bird players began to change the game that brought the birds to fight each other. Come to be the same with the Dove of Java is to play and listen to the beautiful sound of birds From then on, the sound of the spiky bird's horns began to grow in popularity. Therefore, the official competition was held in 1976 at the stadium behind Hat Yai Railway Station, Songkhla Province, which in that event was considered the largest event in that era. and has canceled the spiky cage bird competition Later, about 1977 in Nakhon Si Thammarat province. has organized a group of spiky bird feeders by establishing a club which makes today have various clubs happened a lot
    Bangkok The spigot was played around the year 1981, with a group of people in the south bringing this sport to the public to be known and organized a competition. for the first time throughout Chatuchak Park And since then, the popularity of the sound of the spiky bird's voice competition has continued to be popular today.
    The spiky bird is officially called Red-bearded bulbul or birds of prey The scientific name Pycnomotus Jocosus is a protected bird. According to the Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2535, Section 17 is a wild animal species that can be bred.
    The genus (GENUS) of the bulbul has many species, the Bulbul family (Family Pycnonotidae) is the most common bird species. in which each type has a large number And the most discovered is the Philippines. In Thailand, a total of 36 species of bulbuls have been reported, of which about 109 species are found worldwide.

The popular spiky bulbul that competes with each other. Will be popular with the red-bearded bulbul or in the south known as the spiky bird The northern part is popularly known as Nok Prinja Liu or Pich Liu. As for other species, it does not appear to be bred for vocal competitions. Like a spiky bird in any way

Good auspicious characteristics of the spiky cage bird


The play of the spiky bird cage has beliefs about the characteristics similar to the Javan Dove, but there is no textbook like the Java Dove. There were only continuous talks, most of which emphasized that if the character is good, the voice will sound good. is a characteristic that has a greater effect on vocals It said that the bird has 12 auspicious characteristics as follows:

  • 1. a large part of the face The structure of the face looks like a lion.
  • 2. Crest, cork on a large head, long thick hairy base set at the tip of the cape The feathers are smooth, converging in the same line, completely black, with the tip leaning forward slightly (if it is a chicken, it is called a crest, and a bird is called a cork).
  • 3. Eyes fierce or sweet, sharp, sensitive, sensitive to touch. both outside and inside
  • 4. Big, thick mouth Their beaks are close together like a falcon or an eagle (beaks do not bend down as much as a falcon).
  • 5. Red streaks on the ears or dark red to very dark ears
  • 6. The color of the cheeks is clearly white, the hair grows thick, large, white, clean. A thin black mustache cuts between the cheek color and the beard under the chin.
  • 7. Big neck, thick and fluffy beard completely black necklace or bird language called black ink, completely black ink, thick and large feathers drooping down to the bottom, reaching to the bottom
  • 9. The color of the lotus under the tail is clear, reddish-orange, or the color of the bloom to the large bloom.
  • 10. Long fan tail, tail tip not split, black and white tail or black tail with white label, 8 tails, 4 each side, 4 bulbul tails, total 12 tails, long tails, no split tails, when standing normally, the tail ends are stacked in one line.
  • 11. The style of standing, walking, dignified, two legs held together, looking majestic, dignified, a single-minded bird. time to fight, never give up
  • 12. The sound of the diving bird sounds good. loud and clear It can be a small, medium, and large bird. (No hoarse voice) suitable for breeding birds.

How to identify the birds gender


Male bird cage


Large head, large face, fluffy white neck hair, large cork base, cork tip slightly curved forward, bright eyes, black squid is longer than female. Some of the ink nibs are almost close together. The big red lotus is bright and clear. Note that The feathers on both wings are slightly reddish which the female does not have. In the area of ​​the chest and abdomen, if you use the mouth to blow gently, you will see the general soft hairs. but females rarely Bird Keng, when standing and singing, stretches his legs until the ankles. The tip of the tail is inserted under the perch. beautiful dance moves Sing a long song with good rhythm, 5-7 words.

Female spigot


Small head, small face, smooth neck hair, small cork base, cork tip curved backward or pointing straight. There are not many black squids, small red lotus, smooth, not energetic singing style, not long song, usually singing 1-3 words (mostly 2 words). Male and female immature bulbul-headed bulbuls are similar in forehead and crested color. black sugar The red spots under the eyes had not yet appeared. I could only see the white cheeks under the base of the tail, it was a faint pink color. Or a light orange is not as deep red as the parents. The red dots under the eyes are a distinctive feature of the bulbul-headed bird.

Where to find spiky birds


Found in forests, mountains, plantations, farms and cultivated areas. Lives in the fields, groves, popular in sparse forest areas. They live in groups in bushes or low trees. found in the south and northern Thailand Ranong Province will be found in the forest edge. Found in the area of ​​Krabi province. It is found in Lam Thap District, Khao Phanom District and Khlong Thom District. and are found mostly in Khuan Kalong District, La-Ngu District, Thung Wa District, Satun Province.

Benefits of raising spiky birds

  • It will allow the youths to quit. in drug addiction because they will be interested in raising spiky cage birds
  • It is a relaxation, stress relief, enjoyment, as if listening to the birds chirping as the music of nature. or in nature
  • It is to create pride for the party who received the award.
  • It is to create unity among the group who like to raise spiky birds. have a meeting exchange of opinions
  • to generate income and distribution of income to people of many professions
  • It is a good local tradition and culture.
  • If breeding is available for sale, it can become a product of 1 Tambon 1 product.



Bird worms, ripe fruits such as ripe papaya, ripe mango, gourds, bananas, stone bananas, young leaves, tapioca shoots, gourds and insects.



must be closely maintained When new birds are acquired, they must look for food that is close to nature, such as fruit and worms. Set up a suitable place so that other animals or even unrelated people can interfere. Try to stay quiet for a week for the birds to acclimate. If possible, tame the bird with only one shepherd. The bird feeders regularly change food, water, and hang the birds in the open air to expose them to sunlight in the morning and evening. Except during the day, the sun should not be exposed to sunlight for more than 2 hours. The sunlight will help destroy fungal pathogens. Tongue mites, which may be in the nooks and crannies of the cage, can help keep the bird healthy. In the summer, find a water container for the birds to bathe themselves. and clean hair This bird maintains its own cleanliness. Bathing should be in the afternoon and the bird should be placed in a sunny, open area. The bird will clean itself and then put the bird in the shade to rest. There are many methods of acquiring birds, from catching a black-eared baby bird or a mute baby bird. (The hair on the ears or cheeks has not turned red. The good thing is that the birds are familiar with people, they are not afraid, but they tend to have a temperament, catching wild birds to feed them. Has a fighting spirit, disadvantage, fearful, and can take a long time to raise for competition. But if you don't want to waste time then buy birds that have been reared The advantage is full selection. Birds do not frighten people, but they are expensive.


  1. Walters, John (1992-05). "The official bulletin of the United States: America's first official gazette". Government Publications Review. 19 (3): 243–256. doi:10.1016/0277-9390(92)90064-i. ISSN 0277-9390. {{cite journal}}: ตรวจสอบค่าวันที่ใน: |date= (help)
  2. [Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act B.E. 2535 ]
