
ผู้ใช้:Mattis/Articles-Arts 2

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
บทความย่อย: Blank; Blank; Blank; Arms; 100 Best Novels; Blank; ปากนรกภูมิ; Instructions; Medieval art; San Miniato;
กะบะทราย : Sutton Hoo; วิลักษณ์; Valencia

{{สั้นมาก}} {{ความหมายอื่น|เกี่ยวกับ= |สำหรับ= |ดูที่=bbb |เปลี่ยนทาง=}} {{ระวังสับสน|bbb}} {{บทความหลัก|xxx}} {{ชื่ออื่น|หัวข้อ|หัวข้ออื่น|บทความ}} {{ใช้ปีคศ|width=290px}} ({{lang-en|aaa}}) {{รายการอ้างอิง}} ในปี ค.ศ. ในปี [[ค.ศ. ]] “XX” “[[XX|XX]]” “''[[XX|XX]]''” |]] () <br>{{spaces|4}} <ref>[]</ref> | etitle=<small>XX</small> Add Thai interwiki '''([http://www.forvo.com/word/aaa#en ออกเสียง])''' [[:Image:aaa.jpg|“aaa”]] “''[[oo|oo]]''”({{lang-th|“''oo''”}}) <!--xx-->
ฝรั่งเศส, ศิลปะ, สถาปัตย, จิตรกรรม, Misc
To be considered: Ötzi the Iceman; Allegory in the Middle Ages; เงื่อนเคลติค (Celtic knot); Heraldic knot; Medieval art; พระแม่มารีทองแห่งเอสเซิน; Silk Road transmission of art;

Modern Library's 100 Best Novels is a list of the best English-language novels of the 20th century as selected by the Modern Library. In the spring of 1998 the Modern Library polled its editorial board to find the best 100 novels of the 20th century. The board consisted of Daniel J. Boorstin, A. S. Byatt, Christopher Cerf, Shelby Foote, Vartan Gregorian, Edmund Morris, John Richardson, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., William Styron and Gore Vidal.

Ulysses by James Joyce topped the list, followed by The Great Gatsby and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The most recent novel in the list is Ironweed (1983) by William Kennedy, and the oldest are Sister Carrie (1900) by Theodore Dreiser and Lord Jim (1900) by Joseph Conrad.

The list purports to contain only English-language novels (in fact, Darkness at Noon was originally written in German. However, since the original German text was lost, and German versions, published under the title Sonnenfinsternis (literally "solar eclipse") are back translations from English, it is reasonable to consider the English version the canonical text.)

A separate list of the 100 best non-fiction books of the 20th century was created the same year. A list of reader choices was published separately by Modern Library in 1999.

Criticism of the list includes that it did not include enough novels by women, and not enough novels from outside North America and Europe.[1] In addition, some contend it was a "sales gimmick", since most of the titles in the list are also sold by Modern Library.[2]

The List[แก้]

Editors' list[แก้]

# Year Title Author
1. 1922 Ulysses James Joyce
2. 1925 The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald
3. 1916 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce
4. 1955 Lolita Vladimir Nabokov
5. 1932 Brave New World Aldous Huxley
6. 1929 The Sound and the Fury William Faulkner
7. 1961 Catch-22 Joseph Heller
8. 1940 Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler
9. 1913 Sons and Lovers D. H. Lawrence
10. 1939 The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck
11. 1947 Under the Volcano Malcolm Lowry
12. 1903 The Way of All Flesh Samuel Butler
13. 1949 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell
14. 1934 I, Claudius Robert Graves
15. 1927 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf
16. 1925 An American Tragedy Theodore Dreiser
17. 1940 The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers
18. 1969 Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut
19. 1952 Invisible Man Ralph Ellison
20. 1940 Native Son Richard Wright
21. 1959 Henderson the Rain King Saul Bellow
22. 1934 Appointment in Samarra John O'Hara
23. 1938 U.S.A. (trilogy) John Dos Passos
24. 1919 Winesburg, Ohio Sherwood Anderson
25. 1924 A Passage to India E. M. Forster
26. 1902 The Wings of the Dove Henry James
27. 1903 The Ambassadors Henry James
28. 1934 Tender Is the Night F. Scott Fitzgerald
29. 1935 Studs Lonigan (trilogy) James T. Farrell
30. 1915 The Good Soldier Ford Madox Ford
31. 1945 Animal Farm George Orwell
32. 1904 The Golden Bowl Henry James
33. 1900 Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser
34. 1934 A Handful of Dust Evelyn Waugh
35. 1930 As I Lay Dying William Faulkner
36. 1946 All the King's Men Robert Penn Warren
37. 1927 The Bridge of San Luis Rey Thornton Wilder
38. 1910 Howards End E. M. Forster
39. 1953 Go Tell It on the Mountain James Baldwin
40. 1948 The Heart of the Matter Graham Greene
41. 1954 Lord of the Flies William Golding
42. 1970 Deliverance James Dickey
43. 1951-
A Dance to the Music of Time (series) Anthony Powell
44. 1928 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley
45. 1926 The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway
46. 1907 The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad
47. 1904 Nostromo Joseph Conrad
48. 1915 The Rainbow D. H. Lawrence
49. 1920 Women in Love D. H. Lawrence
50. 1934 Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller
51. 1948 The Naked and the Dead Norman Mailer
52. 1969 Portnoy's Complaint Philip Roth
53. 1962 Pale Fire Vladimir Nabokov
54. 1932 Light in August William Faulkner
55. 1957 On the Road Jack Kerouac
56. 1930 The Maltese Falcon Dashiell Hammett
57. 1924-
Parade's End Ford Madox Ford
58. 1920 The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton
59. 1911 Zuleika Dobson Max Beerbohm
60. 1961 The Moviegoer Walker Percy
61. 1927 Death Comes for the Archbishop Willa Cather
62. 1951 From Here to Eternity James Jones
63. 1957 The Wapshot Chronicle John Cheever
64. 1951 The Catcher in the Rye J. D. Salinger
65. 1962 A Clockwork Orange Anthony Burgess
66. 1915 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham
67. 1902 Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
68. 1920 Main Street Sinclair Lewis
69. 1905 The House of Mirth Edith Wharton
70. 1957-
The Alexandria Quartet Lawrence Durrell
71. 1929 A High Wind in Jamaica Richard Hughes
72. 1961 A House for Mr Biswas V. S. Naipaul
73. 1939 The Day of the Locust Nathanael West
74. 1929 A Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
75. 1938 Scoop Evelyn Waugh
76. 1962 The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Muriel Spark
77. 1939 Finnegans Wake James Joyce
78. 1901 Kim Rudyard Kipling
79. 1908 A Room with a View E. M. Forster
80. 1945 Brideshead Revisited Evelyn Waugh
81. 1953 The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow
82. 1971 Angle of Repose Wallace Stegner
83. 1979 A Bend in the River V. S. Naipaul
84. 1938 The Death of the Heart Elizabeth Bowen
85. 1900 Lord Jim Joseph Conrad
86. 1975 Ragtime E. L. Doctorow
87. 1908 The Old Wives' Tale Arnold Bennett
88. 1903 The Call of the Wild Jack London
89. 1945 Loving Henry Green
90. 1980 Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie
91. 1932 Tobacco Road Erskine Caldwell
92. 1983 Ironweed William Kennedy
93. 1965 The Magus John Fowles
94. 1966 Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys
95. 1954 Under the Net Iris Murdoch
96. 1979 Sophie's Choice William Styron
97. 1949 The Sheltering Sky Paul Bowles
98. 1934 The Postman Always Rings Twice James M. Cain
99. 1955 The Ginger Man J. P. Donleavy
100. 1918 The Magnificent Ambersons Booth Tarkington



Before 1950[แก้]

Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1900 Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano de Bergerac Benoît-Constant Coquelin
1917 Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Theda Bara
1923 The Ten Commandments Moses Theodore Roberts
1927 The King of Kings Jesus H. B. Warner
1927 Napoléon Napoleon Bonaparte Albert Dieudonné
1928 The Patriot Tsar Paul I of Russia Emil Jannings
1928 The Passion of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Renée Jeanne Falconetti
1929 Disraeli Benjamin Disraeli George Arliss
1930 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Walter Huston
1933 The Private Life of Henry VIII Henry VIII Charles Laughton
1933 Queen Christina Queen Christina of Sweden Greta Garbo
1934 The Barretts of Wimpole Street Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning Norma Shearer and Fredric March
1934 Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Claudette Colbert
1934 The Scarlet Empress Catherine II "The Great" of Russia Marlene Dietrich
1935 The Story of Louis Pasteur Louis Pasteur Paul Muni
1936 The Great Ziegfeld Florenz Ziegfeld Jr. William Powell
1936 Rembrandt Rembrandt Charles Laughton
1936 The Plainsman Wild Bill Hickok Gary Cooper
1937 The Life of Emile Zola Émile Zola Paul Muni
1937 Fire Over England Elizabeth I of England Flora Robson
1938 Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette Norma Shearer
1938 The Adventures of Marco Polo Marco Polo Gary Cooper
1938 Alexander Nevsky Alexander Nevsky Nikolai Cherkasov
1939 Frontier Marshal Wyatt Earp Randolph Scott
1939 The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex Elizabeth I of England Bette Davis
1939 The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle Vernon and Irene Castle Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers
1939 Young Mr. Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Henry Fonda
1940 Abe Lincoln in Illinois Abraham Lincoln Raymond Massey
1940 Knute Rockne, All American Knute Rockne Pat O'Brien
1940 The Return of Frank James Frank James Henry Fonda
1940 The Westerner Judge Roy Bean Walter Brennan
1941 Sergeant York Alvin York Gary Cooper
1941 Friedemann Bach Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Gustaf Gründgens
1941 They Died With Their Boots On George Armstrong Custer Errol Flynn
1942 Yankee Doodle Dandy George M. Cohan James Cagney
1942 Pride of the Yankees Lou Gehrig Gary Cooper
1943 Gentleman Jim James J. Corbett Errol Flynn
1944 The Adventures of Mark Twain Mark Twain Fredric March
1944 Buffalo Bill Buffalo Bill Joel McCrea
1944 Henry V Henry V of England Laurence Olivier
1944 The Fighting Sullivans Sullivan brothers
1944 Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV of Russia Nikolai Cherkasov
1945 Caesar and Cleopatra Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII Claude Rains and Vivien Leigh
1945 Dillinger John Dillinger Lawrence Tierney
1945 A Song to Remember Frédéric Chopin Cornel Wilde
1946 The Jolson Story Al Jolson Larry Parks
1946 Night and Day Cole Porter Cary Grant
1946 Anna and the King of Siam Anna Leonowens Irene Dunne
1946 Till the Clouds Roll By Jerome Kern Robert Walker
1947 The Fabulous Dorseys Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey
1947 Song of Love Clara Schumann and Robert Schumann Katharine Hepburn and Paul Henreid
1948 Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Ingrid Bergman
1948 Macbeth Macbeth of Scotland Orson Welles
1949 Jolson Sings Again Al Jolson Larry Parks
1949 Samson and Delilah Samson and Delilah Victor Mature and Hedy Lamarr
1949 Eroica Ludwig van Beethoven Ewald Balser


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1950 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Harold Tasker
1950 Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano de Bergerac José Ferrer
1950 The Jackie Robinson Story Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson
1951 The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel Field Marshal Erwin Rommel James Mason
1952 Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen Danny Kaye
1952 Blackbeard the Pirate Blackbeard Robert Newton
1953 Wherever She Goes[1] Eileen Joyce Suzanne Parrett
1953 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Marlon Brando
1953 The Glenn Miller Story Glenn Miller James Stewart
1953 Franz Schubert Franz Schubert Heinrich Schweiger
1954 Viva Zapata! Emiliano Zapata Marlon Brando
1954 Sauerbruch – Das war mein Leben Ferdinand Sauerbruch Ewald Balser
1955 Interrupted Melody Marjorie Lawrence Eleanor Parker
1955 The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing Evelyn Nesbit Joan Collins
1955 The Virgin Queen Elizabeth I of England Bette Davis
1955 Richard III Richard III of England Laurence Olivier
1956 Alexander the Great (film) Alexander the Great Richard Burton
1956 The Eddy Duchin Story Eddy Duchin Tyrone Power
1956 Lust for Life Vincent van Gogh Kirk Douglas
1956 Somebody Up There Likes Me Rocky Graziano Paul Newman
1956 The King and I Anna Leonowens Deborah Kerr
1956 The Ten Commandments Moses and Ramesses II Charlton Heston and Yul Bryner
1957 Fear Strikes Out Jimmy Piersall Anthony Perkins
1957 Man of a Thousand Faces Lon Chaney, Sr. James Cagney
1957 Saint Joan Joan of Arc Jean Seberg
1957 The Spirit of St. Louis Charles Lindbergh James Stewart
1957 The Three Faces of Eve Chris Costner-Sizemore Joanne Woodward
1958 Carve Her Name with Pride Violette Szabo Virginia McKenna
1958 The Inn of the Sixth Happiness Gladys Aylward Ingrid Bergman
1959 Al Capone Al Capone Rod Steiger
1959 The Diary of Anne Frank Anne Frank Millie Perkins
1959 The Gene Krupa Story Gene Krupa Sal Mineo
1959 The Great Impostor Ferdinand Waldo Demara Tony Curtis


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1960 Song Without End Franz Liszt Dirk Bogarde
1960 Spartacus Spartacus Kirk Douglas
1960 Sunrise at Campobello Franklin D. Roosevelt Ralph Bellamy
1961 El Cid El Cid Charlton Heston
1961 King of Kings Jesus Jeffrey Hunter
1962 Lawrence of Arabia T. E. Lawrence Peter O'Toole
1962 The Miracle Worker Hellen Keller and Annie Sullivan Patty Duke and Anne Bancroft
1962 Elgar Edward Elgar Peter Brett
1962 The Trial of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Florence Delay
1962 Salvatore Giuliano Salvatore Giuliano
1963 PT 109 John F. Kennedy Cliff Robertson
1963 Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Elizabeth Taylor
1964 Becket Thomas Becket Richard Burton
1965 The Agony and the Ecstasy Michelangelo Charlton Heston
1965 The Debussy Film Claude Debussy Oliver Reed
1965 Genghis Khan Genghis Khan Omar Sharif
1965 The Greatest Story Ever Told Jesus Max von Sydow
1966 Andrei Rublev Andrei Rublev Anatoli Solonitsyn
1966 Born Free Joy Adamson Virginia McKenna
1966 Isadora Duncan - The Biggest Dancer in the World Isadora Duncan Vivian Pickles
1966 A Man for All Seasons Thomas More Paul Scofield
1967 Bonnie and Clyde Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway
1968 The Color of Pomegranates Sayat Nova Sofiko Chiaureli, others
1968 Funny Girl Fanny Brice Barbra Streisand
1968 Isadora Isadora Duncan Vanessa Redgrave
[1968 in film|1968]] Star! Gertrude Lawrence Julie Andrews
1968 The Lion in Winter Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy and Harry Longabaugh Paul Newman and Robert Redford
1969 Anne of the Thousand Days Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Richard Burton and Geneviève Bujold


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1970 Cromwell Oliver Cromwell Richard Harris
1970 Patton George S. Patton George C. Scott
1970 Song of Norway Edvard Grieg and Rikard Nordraak Toralv Maurstad and Frank Poretta
1970 The Wild Child Victor of Aveyron Jean-Pierre Cargol
1970 Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Charlton Heston
1971 Macbeth Macbeth of Scotland Jon Finch
1971 Mary, Queen of Scots Queen Mary I of Scotland and Elizabeth I of England Vanessa Redgrave and Glenda Jackson
1971 The Music Lovers Pyotr Tchaikovsky Richard Chamberlain
1971 Nicholas and Alexandra Tsar Nicholas II and Tsaritsa Alexandra of Russia Michael Jayston and Janet Suzman
1972 Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall Spike Milligan Jim Dale
1972 Aguirre, the Wrath of God Lope de Aguirre Klaus Kinski
1972 Antony and Cleopatra Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII Charlton Heston and Hildegarde Neil
1972 Brother Sun, Sister Moon St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi Graham Faulkner and Judi Bowker
1972 Henry VIII and His Six Wives Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn Keith Michell and Charlotte Rampling
1972 Lady Sings the Blues Billie Holliday Diana Ross
1972 The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean Judge Roy Bean Paul Newman
1972 Young Winston Winston Churchill Simon Ward
1973 Dillinger John Dillinger Warren Oates
1973 Edvard Munch Edvard Munch Geir Westby
1973 Jesus Christ Superstar Jesus Ted Neeley
1973 Serpico Frank Serpico Al Pacino
1973 Papillon Henri Charrière and Louis Dega Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman
1974 The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser Kaspar Hauser Bruno S.
1974 Lenny Lenny Bruce Dustin Hoffman
1974 Mahler Gustav Mahler and Alma Mahler Robert Powell and Georgina Hale
1975 The Story of Adele H. Adèle Hugo Isabelle Adjani
1975 Dog Day Afternoon Sonny Wortzik Al Pacino
1975 Lisztomania Franz Liszt Roger Daltrey
1975 The Man Who Would Be King Rudyard Kipling Christopher Plummer
1976 All the President's Men Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman
1976 Bound for Glory Woody Guthrie David Carradine
1976 Bruce Lee: The Man, the Myth Bruce Lee Bruce Li
1976 Gable and Lombard Clark Gable and Carole Lombard James Brolin and Jill Clayburgh
1976 James Dean James Dean Stephen McHattie
1976 Mohammad, Messenger of God Muhammad Anthony Quinn (as Hamza)
1976 Sybil Shirley Ardell Mason Sally Field
1976 W.C. Fields and Me W.C. Fields Rod Steiger
1977 MacArthur Douglas MacArthur Gregory Peck
1978 The Buddy Holly Story Buddy Holly Gary Busey
1978 La Vida y Poesia de Julia de Burgos Julia de Burgos Ana Li Diaz
1978 Midnight Express Billy Hayes Brad Davis
1979 ...And Justice for All Arthur Kirkland and Judge Henry T. Fleming Al Pacino and John Forsythe
1979 Escape from Alcatraz Frank Morris Clint Eastwood
1979 Jesus Jesus Brian Deacon
1979 Elvis Elvis Presley Kurt Russell


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1980 Coal Miner's Daughter Loretta Lynn Sissy Spacek
1980 The Elephant Man Joseph Merrick John Hurt
1980 Raging Bull Jake La Motta Robert De Niro
1981 The Bunker Adolf Hitler Anthony Hopkins
1981 Chariots of Fire Harold Abrahams Ben Cross
1981 Lion of the Desert Omar Mukhtar Anthony Quinn
1981 Mommie Dearest Joan Crawford Faye Dunaway
1981 Reds John Reed Warren Beatty
1982 Frances Frances Farmer Jessica Lange
1982 Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi Ben Kingsley
1982 Missing Charles Horman John Shea
1982 The Return of Martin Guerre Arnaud du Tilh Gérard Depardieu
Bertrande de Rols Nathalie Baye
1983 Danton Georges Danton Gérard Depardieu
1983 Heart Like a Wheel Shirley Muldowney Bonnie Bedelia
1983 Silkwood Karen Silkwood Meryl Streep
1983 Kennedy John F Kennedy Martin Sheen
1984 Amadeus Antonio Salieri F. Murray Abraham
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Tom Hulce
1984 The Bounty Captain William Bligh Anthony Hopkins
First Mate Fletcher Christian Mel Gibson
1984 The Killing Fields Sydney Schanberg Sam Waterston
Dith Pran Haing S. Ngor
Jon Swain Julian Sands
1984 Samson and Delilah Samson Max von Sydow
Delilah Belinda Bauer
1985 Out of Africa Karen Blixen Meryl Streep
1985 Marie Marie Ragghianti Sissy Spacek
1985 Mask Florence Dennis Cher
Roy L. Dennis Eric Stoltz
1985 Sweet Dreams Patsy Cline Jessica Lange
1985 Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters Yukio Mishima Ken Ogata
1986 Sid & Nancy Sid Vicious Gary Oldman
Nancy Spungen Chloe Webb
1986 The Boy in Blue Ned Hanlan Nicolas Cage
1986 Castaway Gerald Kingsland Oliver Reed
Lucy Irvine Amanda Donohoe
1986 Heartburn Nora Ephron Meryl Streep
Carl Bernstein Jack Nicholson
1986 Lady Jane Lady Jane Grey Helena Bonham Carter
1987 Cry Freedom Steve Biko Denzel Washington
1987 La Bamba Ritchie Valens Lou Diamond Phillips
1987 The Last Emperor Pu-Yi John Lone
1987 The Untouchables Eliot Ness Kevin Costner
Al Capone Robert De Niro
1988 Bird Charlie Parker Forest Whitaker
1988 Elvis and Me Elvis Presley and Priscilla Presley Dale Midkiff and Susan Walters
1988 Gorillas in the Mist Dian Fossey Sigourney Weaver
1988 A Cry in the Dark Lindy Chamberlain Meryl Streep
1988 Patty Hearst Patty Hearst Natasha Richardson
1988 Tucker: The Man and His Dream Preston Tucker Jeff Bridges
1988 The Last Temptation of Christ Jesus Willem Dafoe
1988 Young Guns Billy The Kid Emilio Estevez
1988 Stand and Deliver Jaime Escalante Edward James Olmos
1989 Blaze Earl Long Paul Newman
1989 Camille Claudel Camille Claudel Isabelle Adjani
1989 Great Balls of Fire! Jerry Lee Lewis Dennis Quaid
1989 Lean on Me Joe Louis Clark Morgan Freeman
1989 My Left Foot Christy Brown Daniel Day-Lewis
1989 Henry V Henry V of England Kenneth Branagh
1989 Born on the Fourth of July Ron Kovic Tom Cruise


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
1990 An Angel at My Table Janet Frame Karen Fergusson (child), Alexia Keogh (adolescent) and Kerry Fox (adult)
1990 Awakenings Oliver Sacks Robin Williams
1990 Cyrano de Bergerac Cyrano de Bergerac Gérard Depardieu
1990 A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia T. E. Lawrence Ralph Fiennes
1990 The Dreamer of Oz L. Frank Baum John Ritter
1990 Europa Europa Solomon Perel Marco Hofschneider
1990 Goodfellas Henry Hill Ray Liotta
1990 Henry & June Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin Fred Ward and Uma Thurman
1990 Iron & Silk Mark Salzman Mark Salzman
1990 The Nasty Girl Anna Rosmus Lena Stolze
1990 The Krays The Kray twins Martin Kemp and Gary Kemp
1990 Vincent & Theo Vincent van Gogh and Theo van Gogh Tim Roth and Paul Rhys
1990 Reversal of Fortune Claus von Bulow and Sunny von Bulow Jeremy Irons and Glenn Close
1990 Young Guns II Billy the Kid Emilio Estevez
1991 Bugsy Bugsy Siegel Warren Beatty
1991 Cabeza de Vaca Cabeza de Vaca Juan Diego
1991 Dillinger John Dillinger Mark Harmon
1991 The Doors Jim Morrison Val Kilmer
1991 Impromptu Frédéric Chopin and George Sand Hugh Grant and Judy Davis
1991 JFK Jim Garrison Kevin Costner
1991 The Josephine Baker Story Josephine Baker Lynn Whitfield
1991 Not Without My Daughter Betty Mahmoody Sally Field
1991 Young Catherine Catherine II of Russia Julia Ormond
1992 Amy Fisher: My Story Amy Fisher Noelle Parker
1992 The Babe Babe Ruth John Goodman
1992 Chaplin Charlie Chaplin Robert Downey Jr.
1992 Daens Adolf Daens Jan Decleir
1992 Lorenzo's Oil Augusto and Michaela Odone Nick Nolte & Susan Sarandon
1992 Sinatra Frank Sinatra Philip Casnoff
1992 The Jacksons: An American Dream Jackson family various casts
1992 Malcolm X Malcolm X Denzel Washington
1993 The Amy Fisher Story Amy Fisher Drew Barrymore
1993 Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story Amy Fisher Alyssa Milano
1993 Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Bruce Lee Jason Scott Lee
1993 Fong Sai Yuk Fong Sai Yuk Jet Li
1993 In The Name Of The Father Guildford Four Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite
1993 M. Butterfly René Gallimard Jeremy Irons
1993 Rudy Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger Sean Astin
1993 Schindler's List Oskar Schindler Liam Neeson
1993 Searching for Bobby Fischer Joshua Waitzkin Max Pomeranc
1993 Shadowlands C. S. Lewis and Joy Gresham Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger
1993 Shrinatha Kavi Sarvabhowma Srinatha Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao
1993 Tombstone Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer
1993 What's Love Got to Do with It? Ike and Tina Turner Laurence Fishburne and Angela Bassett
1993 Wittgenstein Ludwig Wittgenstein Karl Johnson
1993 Zohar Zohar Argov Shaul Mizrachi
1994 Backbeat Stuart Sutcliffe and John Lennon Stephen Dorff and Ian Hart
1994 Bandit Queen Phoolan Devi Seema Biswas
1994 Cobb Ty Cobb Tommy Lee Jones
1994 Ed Wood Edward D. Wood, Jr. Johnny Depp
1994 Heavenly Creatures Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme Melanie Lynskey and Kate Winslet
1994 Immortal Beloved Ludwig van Beethoven Gary Oldman
1994 The Madness of King George George III of the United Kingdom Nigel Hawthorne
1994 Nostradamus Nostradamus Tchéky Karyo
1994 Quiz Show Charles Van Doren Ralph Fiennes
1994 La Reine Margot Queen Margot Isabelle Adjani
1994 Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle Dorothy Parker Jennifer Jason Leigh
1994 Tom & Viv T. S. Eliot and Vivienne Haigh-Wood Willem Dafoe and Miranda Richardson
1994 Wyatt Earp Wyatt Earp Kevin Costner
1995 The Basketball Diaries Jim Carroll Leonardo DiCaprio
1995 Braveheart William Wallace Mel Gibson
1995 Carrington Dora Carrington and Lytton Strachey Emma Thompson and Jonathan Pryce
1995 Dangerous Minds LouAnne Johnson Michelle Pfeiffer
1995 Dead Man Walking Sister Helen Prejean Susan Sarandon
1995 Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story Elizabeth Taylor Sherilyn Fenn
1995 Murder in the First Henri Young Kevin Bacon
1995 Nixon Richard Nixon Anthony Hopkins
1995 Restoration Charles II of England Sam Neill
1995 Rob Roy Robert Roy MacGregor Liam Neeson
1995 To Die For Pamela Smart Nicole Kidman
1995 Total Eclipse Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine Leonardo DiCaprio and David Thewlis
1995 Wild Bill Wild Bill Hickok Jeff Bridges
1995 Casino Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal Robert De Niro
1996 In Love and War Ernest Hemingway Chris O'Donnell
1996 Basquiat Jean-Michel Basquiat Jeffrey Wright
1996 Evita Eva Perón Madonna
1996 Ghosts of Mississippi Byron De La Beckwith James Woods
1996 Michael Collins Michael Collins Liam Neeson
1996 Norma Jean & Marilyn Marilyn Monroe Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino
1996 The People vs. Larry Flynt Larry Flynt Woody Harrelson
1996 Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny Grigori Rasputin Alan Rickman
1996 Shine David Helfgott Geoffrey Rush and Noah Taylor
1996 Samson and Delilah Samson and Delilah
1996 Surviving Picasso Pablo Picasso Anthony Hopkins
1997 Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story Greg Louganis Mario López
1997 Donnie Brasco Donnie Brasco Johnny Depp
1997 Kundun Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong, others
1997 Private Parts Howard Stern Howard Stern
1997 Elvis Meets Nixon Elvis Presley Rick Peters
Richard Nixon Bob Gunton
1997 Saint-Ex Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Bruno Ganz
1997 Selena Selena Jennifer Lopez
1997 Seven Years in Tibet Heinrich Harrer Brad Pitt
1997 Wilde Oscar Wilde Stephen Fry
1998 American History X Derek Vinyard Edward Norton
1998 Dangerous Beauty Veronica Franco Catherine McCormack
1998 Elizabeth Elizabeth I Cate Blanchett
1998 Fifteen and Pregnant Tina Spangler Kirsten Dunst
1998 The General Martin Cahill Brendan Gleeson
1998 Gia Gia Marie Carangi Angelina Jolie
1998 Gods and Monsters James Whale Ian McKellen
1998 Hilary and Jackie Hilary and Jacqueline du Pré Rachel Griffiths and Emily Watson
1998 Jinnah Muhammad Ali Jinnah Christopher Lee
1998 Patch Adams Hunter "Patch" Adams Robin Williams
1998 The Prince of Egypt Moses and Ramesses II Val Kilmer and Ralph Fiennes (voices)
1998 The Rat Pack Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. Ray Liotta, Joe Mantegna, Don Cheadle
1998 The Temptations The Temptations Leon, Terron Brooks, D.B. Woodside
1998 Without Limits Steve Prefontaine Billy Crudup
1999 Angela's Ashes Frank McCourt Joe Breen young, Ciaran Owens (middle) and Michael Legge (older)
1999 Anna and the King Anna Leonowens Jodie Foster
1999 Boys Don't Cry Brandon Teena Hilary Swank
1999 Children of the Century George Sand and Alfred de Musset Juliette Binoche and Benoit Magimel
1999 Fight Club The Narrator Edward Norton
Tyler Durden Brad Pitt
1999 Girl, Interrupted Susanna Kaysen Winona Ryder
1999 The Hurricane Rubin Carter Denzel Washington
1999 The Insider Jeffrey Wigand Russell Crowe
1999 Introducing Dorothy Dandridge Dorothy Dandridge Halle Berry
1999 Jesus Jesus Jeremy Sisto
1999 Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Leelee Sobieski
1999 Man on the Moon Andy Kaufman Jim Carrey
1999 The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc Milla Jovovich
1999 Moloch Adolf Hitler Leonid Mozgovoy
1999 Music of the Heart Roberta Guaspari Demetras Meryl Streep
1999 October Sky Homer Hickam Jake Gyllenhaal
1999 The Passion of Ayn Rand Ayn Rand and Nathaniel Branden Helen Mirren and Eric Stoltz
1999 The Straight Story Alvin Straight Richard Farnsworth


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
2000 The Audrey Hepburn Story Audrey Hepburn Jennifer Love Hewitt
2000 Little Richard Little Richard Leon Robinson
2000 Before Night Falls Reinaldo Arenas Javier Bardem
2000 Chopper Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read Eric Bana
2000 Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story The Monkees Multiple Actors
2000 Erin Brockovich Erin Brockovich Julia Roberts
2000 Hendrix Jimi Hendrix Wood Harris
2000 Remember the Titans Herman Boone Denzel Washington
2000 I Dreamed of Africa Kuki Gallman Kim Basinger
2000 In His Life: The John Lennon Story John Lennon Philip McQuillan Phoenix
2000 Isn't She Great Jacqueline Susann Bette Midler
2000 Joseph: King of Dreams Joseph Ben Affleck (voice)
2000 Joe Gould's Secret Joe Gould Ian Holm
2000 Lumumba Patrice Lumumba Eriq Ebouaney
2000 Men of Honor Carl Brashear Cuba Gooding Jr.
2000 The Miracle Maker Jesus (voice) Ralph Fiennes
2000 Pollock Jackson Pollock Ed Harris
2000 Quills Marquis de Sade Geoffrey Rush
2000 Steal This Movie Abbie Hoffman Vincent D'Onofrio
2000 Shadow of the Vampire F.W. Murnau John Malkovich
Max Schreck Willem Dafoe
2001 61* Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle Barry Pepper, Thomas Jane
2001 A Beautiful Mind John Nash Russell Crowe
2001 Anne Frank: The Whole Story Anne Frank Hannah Taylor-Gordon
2001 Ali Muhammad Ali Will Smith
2001 Blow George Jung Johnny Depp
2001 The Cat's Meow William Randolph Hearst Edward Hermann
2001 Hysteria - The Def Leppard Story Def Leppard Multiple Actors
2001 In the Time Of Butterflies Minerva Mirabal Salma Hayek
2001 Iris Iris Murdoch Judi Dench (older)
Kate Winslet (young)
2001 James Dean James Dean James Franco
2001 Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows Judy Garland Judy Davis (older)
Tammy Blanchard (young)
2001 Piñero Miguel Piñero Benjamin Bratt
2001 Riding in Cars with Boys Beverly D'Onofrio Drew Barrymore
2001 Taurus Vladimir Lenin Leonid Mozgovoy
2001 Der Tunnel Hasso Herschel Heino Ferch
2002 Antwone Fisher Antwone Q. Fisher Derek Luke (adult)
Malcolm David Kelley (child)
2002 Auto Focus Bob Crane Greg Kinnear
2002 Bertie and Elizabeth King George VI James Wilby
Queen Elizabeth (The Queen Mother) Juliet Aubrey
2002 Catch Me if You Can Frank Abagnale Leonardo DiCaprio
2002 Death to Smoochy Sheldon Mopes Edward Norton
2002 Martin and Lewis Dean Martin Jeremy Northam
Jerry Lewis Sean Hayes
2002 Gleason Jackie Gleason Brad Garrett
2002 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Chuck Barris Sam Rockwell
2002 Conviction Carl Upchurch Omar Epps
2002 Evelyn Desmond Doyle Pierce Brosnan
2002 Fidel Fidel Castro Víctor Huggo Martin
2002 Frida Frida Kahlo Salma Hayek
2002 The Gathering Storm Winston Churchill Albert Finney
2002 "The Hours" Virginia Woolf Nicole Kidman
2002 The Kid Stays in the Picture Robert Evans Robert Evans
2002 The Matthew Shepard Story Matthew Shepard Shane Meier
2002 The Pianist Władysław Szpilman Adrien Brody
2002 The Rookie Jim Morris Dennis Quaid
2002 Shackleton Ernest Shackleton Kenneth Branagh
2003 American Splendor Harvey Pekar Paul Giamatti
2003 And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself Pancho Villa Antonio Banderas
2003 Benedict Arnold: A Question Of Honor Benedict Arnold Aidan Quinn
George Washington Kelsey Grammer
2003 Blind Flight John McCarthy Linus Roache
Brian Keenan Ian Hart
2003 Cambridge Spies Guy Burgess Tom Hollander
Donald MacLean Rupert Penry-Jones
2003 Cleopatra Cleopatra VII Norma Aleandro
2003 Henry VIII Henry VIII Ray Winstone
2003 High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story Stu Ungar Michael Imperioli
2003 The Lost Prince Prince John Daniel Williams (young)
Matthew Thomas (older)
2003 Hitler: The Rise of Evil Adolf Hitler Robert Carlyle
2003 Lucy Lucille Ball Rachel York
2003 Luther Martin Luther Joseph Fiennes
2003 Monster Aileen Wuornos Charlize Theron
2003 Ned Kelly Ned Kelly Heath Ledger
2003 Party Monster Michael Alig Macauley Culkin
2003 The Deal Gordon Brown David Morrissey
Tony Blair Michael Sheen
2003 Radio James Robert "Radio" Kennedy Cuba Gooding Jr.
Harold Jones Ed Harris
2003 The Reagans Ronald Reagan James Brolin
Nancy Reagan Judy Davis
2003 Shattered Glass Stephen Glass Hayden Christensen
2003 Swimming Upstream Tony Fingleton Jesse Spencer
2003 Sylvia Sylvia Plath Gwyneth Paltrow
2003 Touching the Void Joe Simpson Brendan Mackey
2003 Veronica Guerin Veronica Guerin Cate Blanchett
2003 Wonderland John Holmes Val Kilmer
2004 3: The Dale Earnhardt Story Dale Earnhardt Barry Pepper
2004 Against the Ropes Jackie Kallen Meg Ryan
2004 Alexander Alexander the Great Colin Farrell
2004 The Assassination of Richard Nixon Samuel Byck Sean Penn
2004 The Aviator Howard Hughes Leonardo DiCaprio
2004 Bettie Page: Dark Angel Bettie Page Paige Richards
2004 Beyond the Sea Bobby Darin Kevin Spacey
2004 Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Michael Jackson Flex Alexander
2004 Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius Bobby Jones Jim Caviezel
2004 Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss Heidi Fleiss Jamie-Lynn Sigler
2004 De-Lovely Cole Porter Kevin Kline
2004 Downfall Traudl Junge Alexandra Maria Lara
Adolf Hitler Bruno Ganz
2004 Finding Neverland J.M. Barrie Johnny Depp
2004 Hidalgo Frank Hopkins Viggo Mortensen
2004 Hotel Rwanda Paul Rusesabagina Don Cheadle
2004 Ike: Countdown to D-Day Dwight D. Eisenhower Tom Selleck
2004 Kinsey Alfred Kinsey Liam Neeson
2004 The Life and Death of Peter Sellers Peter Sellers Geoffrey Rush
2004 Miracle Herb Brooks Kurt Russell
2004 Modigliani Amedeo Modigliani Andy Garcia
2004 The Motorcycle Diaries Che Guevara Gael García Bernal
Alberto Granado Rodrigo de la Serna
2004 The Mystery of Natalie Wood Natalie Wood Justine Waddell
2004 The Passion of the Christ Jesus James Caviezel
2004 Ray Ray Charles Jamie Foxx
2004 Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story Stanley Tookie Williams Jamie Foxx
2004 The Sea Inside Ramon Sampedro Javier Bardem
2004 Something The Lord Made Alfred Blalock Alan Rickman
Vivien Thomas Mos Def
2005 Aurore Aurore Gagnon Marianne Fortier
2005 Warm Springs Franklin D. Roosevelt Kenneth Branagh
Eleanor Roosevelt Cynthia Nixon
2005 Blue Swallow Park Kyung-won Jang Jin Young
2005 Capote Truman Capote Philip Seymour Hoffman
2005 Cinderella Man James J. Braddock Russell Crowe
2005 Coach Carter Ken Carter Samuel L. Jackson
2005 Domino Domino Harvey Keira Knightley
2005 Elizabeth I Elizabeth I of England Helen Mirren
2005 Elvis Elvis Presley Jonathan Rhys Meyers
2005 Gie Soe Hok Gie Nicholas Saputra
2005 Good Night, and Good Luck. Edward R. Murrow David Strathairn
2005 The Greatest Game Ever Played Francis Ouimet Shia LaBeouf
2005 Jarhead Anthony Swofford Jake Gyllenhaal
2005 The Libertine John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester Johnny Depp
2005 Mrs Henderson Presents Laura Henderson Judi Dench
2005 Murder Unveiled Jaswinder Kaur Sidhu Anita Majumdar
2005 Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II Jon Voight
2005 The New World John Smith Colin Farrell
Pocahontas Q'Orianka Kilcher
2005 The Notorious Bettie Page Bettie Page Gretchen Mol
2005 Sophie Scholl: The Final Days Sophie Scholl Julia Jentsch
2005 Stoned Brian Jones Leo Gregory
2005 The Sun Emperor Hirohito Issei Ogata
2005 Walk the Line Johnny Cash Joaquin Phoenix
June Carter Cash Reese Witherspoon
2005 The World's Fastest Indian Burt Munro Anthony Hopkins
2006 Color of the Cross Jesus Jean-Claude La Marre
2006 Driving Lessons Jeremy Brock Rupert Grint
2006 El Benny Benny Moré Renny Arozarena
2006 Factory Girl Edie Sedgwick Sienna Miller
2006 Fearless Huo Yuanjia Jet Li
2006 Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus Diane Arbus Nicole Kidman
2006 Glory Road Don Haskins Josh Lucas
2006 The Good Shepherd James Jesus Angleton Matt Damon
2006 Goya's Ghosts Francisco Goya Stellan Skarsgård
2006 A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints Dito Montiel Robert Downey Jr. (adult)
Shia LaBeouf (young)
2006 Hollywoodland George Reeves Ben Affleck
2006 We are Marshall Jack Lengyel Matthew McConaughey
2006 The Illusionist Eisenheim Edward Norton
2006 Infamous Truman Capote Toby Jones
2006 The Last King of Scotland Idi Amin Forest Whitaker
2006 Marie Antoinette Marie Antoinette Kirsten Dunst
2006 Miss Potter Beatrix Potter Renée Zellweger
2006 The Pursuit of Happyness Christopher Gardner Will Smith
2006 Requiem Anneliese Michel Sandra Hüller
2006 Klimt Gustav Klimt John Malkovich
2006 The Ron Clark Story Ron Clark Matthew Perry
2006 Running with Scissors Augusten Burroughs Joseph Cross
2007 Amazing Grace William Wilberforce Ioan Gruffudd
2007 American Gangster Frank Lucas Denzel Washington
2007 The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Jesse James Brad Pitt
Robert Ford Casey Affleck
2007 Assembly Gu Zidi Zhang Hanyu
2007 Becoming Jane Jane Austen Anne Hathaway
2007 Breach Robert Hanssen Chris Cooper
2007 Charlie Wilson's War Charlie Wilson Tom Hanks
2007 Control Ian Curtis Sam Riley
2007 Colour Me Kubrick Alan Conway John Malkovich
2007 Dark Matter Gang Lu Liu Ye
2007 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly Jean-Dominique Bauby Mathieu Amalric
2007 El Cantante Hector Lavoe Marc Anthony
2007 El Greco El Greco Nick Ashdon
2007 Elizabeth: The Golden Age Elizabeth I Cate Blanchett
2007 Freedom Writers Erin Gruwell Hilary Swank
2007 The Hoax Clifford Irving Richard Gere
2007 Hwang Jin Yi Hwang Jin Yi Song Hye Kyo
2007 I'm Not There Bob Dylan Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Heath Ledger, Marcus Carl Franklin, Richard Gere, Ben Whishaw.
2007 Into The Wild Christopher McCandless Emile Hirsch
2007 The Killing of John Lennon Mark David Chapman Jonas Ball
2007 The King Graham Kennedy Stephen Curry
2007 La Vie En Rose Édith Piaf Marion Cotillard
2007 Crazy Hank Garland Waylon Payne
2007 A Mighty Heart Mariane Pearl Angelina Jolie
Daniel Pearl Dan Futterman
2007 Mongol Genghis Khan Tadanobu Asano
2007 Persepolis Marjane Satrapi Chiara Mastroianni (voice)
2007 Rescue Dawn Dieter Dengler Christian Bale
2007 Shake Hands with the Devil Romeo Dallaire Roy Dupuis
2007 The Singer Hector Lavoe Raul Carbonell
2007 Sybil Shirley Ardell Mason Tammy Blanchard
2007 The Ten Commandments Moses Ben Kingsley (voice)
2007 Zodiac Robert Graysmith Jake Gyllenhaal
2008 Anna Nicole Anna Nicole Smith Willa Ford
2008 Der Baader Meinhof Komplex Ulrike Meinhof Martina Gedeck
Andreas Baader Moritz Bleibtreu
Gudrun Ensslin Johanna Wokalek
2008 Cadillac Records Leonard Chess Adrien Brody
Muddy Waters Jeffrey Wright
Etta James Beyonce Knowles
2008 Che: Part I - The Argentine Che Guevara Benicio del Toro
2008 Che: Part II - Guerrilla
2008 Changeling Christine Collins Angelina Jolie
2008 Chapter 27 Mark David Chapman Jared Leto
2008 Defiance Tuvia Bielski Daniel Craig
Zus Bielski Liev Schreiber
2008 Il Divo Giulio Andreotti Toni Servillo
2008 The Duchess Georgiana Cavendish Keira Knightley
2008 The Edge of Love Dylan Thomas Matthew Rhys
2008 Forever Enthralled Mei Lanfang Leon Lai
2008 Frost/Nixon Richard Nixon Frank Langella
David Frost Michael Sheen
2008 Hansie Hansie Cronje Frank Rautenbach
2008 Hunger Bobby Sands Michael Fassbender
2008 The Incredible Hulk Bruce Banner Edward Norton
2008 John Adams John Adams Paul Giamatti
Abigail Adams Laura Linney
2008 The Last Confession of Alexander Pearce Alexander Pearce Ciarán McMenamin
2008 Milk Harvey Milk Sean Penn
2008 The Other Boleyn Girl Mary Boleyn Scarlett Johansson
Anne Boleyn Natalie Portman
2008 Public Enemy Number One Jacques Mesrine Vincent Cassel
2008 Red Cliff Zhou Yu Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
Zhuge Liang Takeshi Kaneshiro
Cao Cao Zhang Fengyi
2008 Valkyrie Col. Claus von Stauffenberg Tom Cruise
2008 W. George W. Bush Josh Brolin
2008 Waltz with Bashir Ari Folman Ari Folman (voice)
2008 Ip Man Yip Man Donnie Yen
2009 Amelia Amelia Earhart Hilary Swank
2009 Coco Before Chanel Coco Chanel Audrey Tautou
2009 Connolly James Connolly Peter Mullan
2009 The Countess Countess Elizabeth Báthory Julie Delpy
2009 Creation Charles Darwin Paul Bettany
2009 Dali & I: The Surreal Story Salvador Dali Al Pacino
Stan Lauryssens Cillian Murphy
2009 The Dirt Mötley Crüe TBD
2009 The Fifth Beatle Brian Epstein TBD
2009 The Informant! Mark Whitacre Matt Damon
2009 Into the Storm Winston Churchill Brendan Gleeson
2009 Invictus Nelson Mandela Morgan Freeman
2009 Julie & Julia Julie Powell Amy Adams
Julia Child Meryl Streep
2009 Public Enemies John Dillinger Johnny Depp
Melvin Purvis Christian Bale
Baby Face Nelson Stephen Graham
Pretty Boy Floyd Channing Tatum
2009 Killing Pablo Pablo Escobar Javier Bardem
2009 King Conqueror Pedro II of Aragon Tim Roth
2009 The Last Station Leo Tolstoy Christopher Plummer
2009 Mata Hari Mata Hari Dita von Teese
2009 Notorious Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace Jamal Woolard
2009 The Passenger Iggy Pop Elijah Wood
2009 See Me Feel Me: Keith Moon Naked For Your Pleasure Keith Moon Mike Myers
2009 Skin Sandra Laing Sophie Okonedo
2009 The Soloist Steve Lopez Robert Downey Jr.
Nathaniel Ayers Jamie Foxx
2009 Temple Grandin Temple Grandin Claire Danes
2009 Toussaint Toussaint Louverture Don Cheadle
2009 Untitled Aaliyah Project Aaliyah Haughton Keshia Chante


Year Film Subject(s) Lead actor or actress
2010 Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho Alfred Hitchcock Anthony Hopkins
2010 The Danish Girl Einar Wegener / Lili Elbe Nicole Kidman
Gerda Wegener Charlize Theron
2010 Fair Game Joseph Wilson Sean Penn
Valerie Plame Naomi Watts
2010 Ghoulishly Yours, William M. Gaines William Gaines TBD
2010 Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Liam Neeson
2010 The Lost City of Z Colonel Percy Fawcett Brad Pitt
2010 Untitled Susan Boyle Project Susan Boyle TBD
2010 The Runaways (film) Joan Jett Kristen Stewart
Cherie Currie Dakota Fanning
2010 Mark Twain and Mary Baker Eddy Mark Twain Val Kilmer
Mary Baker Eddy TBD
2010 Ripley's Believe It or Not! Robert Ripley Jim Carrey
2010 Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye Jesse L. Martin
2010 Three Desperate Beautiful Women Lee Eun-ju Park Sin-hye
U;Nee Sin Se-kyeong
Jung Da Bin Kim So-Eun
2010 Untitled Kathi Lynn Austin Project Kathi Lynn Austin Angelina Jolie
2010 Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Ian Dury Andy Serkis
2011 The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Leonardo DiCaprio
2011 The Special Relationship Tony Blair Michael Sheen
Bill Clinton Dennis Quaid
2011 Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said? Richard Pryor Marlon Wayans
201? 1776 George Washington TBD
201? Dylan Dylan Thomas Kevin McKidd
201? The Fighter "Irish" Micky Ward Mark Wahlberg
201? The Owl In Daylight Philip K. Dick Paul Giamatti
201? The Roaring Girl Bernadette Devlin Sally Hawkins
201? Eazy-er Said Than Dunn (film) Eric "Eazy-E" Wright TBD
20?? The Rise and Fall of the Real RocknRolla Elliot Spoerer TBD
201? The Vapors (film) Juice Crew TBD
201? Untitled James Brown Biopic James Brown TBD